Saaaayyyyy Whhhhhhaaaaaattttt!
Anything could be true, wasn't Samuel Herd Prince's Godfather?
i was talking with a friend of mine who knows a few people in the home department at bethel.
apparently, prince was, as i noted in the title, on the board of directors.
he apparently was sort of a silent partner or advisor in the whole thing.
Saaaayyyyy Whhhhhhaaaaaattttt!
Anything could be true, wasn't Samuel Herd Prince's Godfather?
i think he is, but i"m not too sure.
just wondering because looking at that purple pimp outfit with hat that he wore to prince's memorial, i wonder if he ever gave a talk wearing the same outfit, when i've read here that some brothers were talked to for wearing a pastel colored shirt while giving a talk..
The wide brimmed hat is Larry G's signature look of sorts.
or so says the jw's around me who heard it from someone who apparently "knows".
i'm no expert in the music of prince so perhaps someone else can tell me, does the songs of the wt sound similar to princes work?.
I don't buy it. There aren't any good guitar riffs in those Kingdom Songs.
interesting article i found about prince and the jw religion.
i guess they are trying to get their 15 minutes of fame.
i find it disturbing that the elder stated if prince had an addiction to prescription drugs, that is a personal matter but the hundreds of intrusive jw rules like going to college (not scriptural) and growing a beard (also not scriptural) are not also considered a personal choice.
Pete Zahut:
"JW's are willing to give him a free pass even though they themselves would be reprimanded for doing the same thing."
Any R&F (+ non-celebrity) publisher would not be seen as being in good standing. There would be restrictions on commenting and saying prayer, etc.
But we've seen it time and time again that celebrities get a free pass. It's been like that throughout the WT's history.
george cook, omg, george f'ing cook, whattttt!.
caption: elder george cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups.
he was very detail oriented and very eccentric.
So from the pictures of the KH, it sure doesn't look like it has been remodeled in a while. All the fixtures and chairs are older by more than a couple of decades.
If Prince's money wasn't used locally to improve the KH then the WT has already been siphoning off his contributions to go to the, ehem, "world wide preaching work", ehem.
george cook, omg, george f'ing cook, whattttt!.
caption: elder george cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups.
he was very detail oriented and very eccentric.
George Cook, OMG, George F'ing Cook, whattttt!
Caption: Elder George Cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said Prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups
George Cook was DO in our District over two decades ago. He was very detail oriented and very eccentric. He was very controlling and very devoted to Momma WT. It's interesting he still does his hair in a "overlapping" comb-over fashion and wears 1990's eyeglass frames.
His real family name is Greek. But they shortened it to Cook. This once powerful District Overseer must have been put to retirement as with other DO's. The article says he's 81 years old. He wielded a lot of power and expected total allegiance. It is interesting to see how the mighty have fallen. He was once in charge of the Caribbean, traveling the islands and having a grand ol' time. Now he just looks like any little old man in a suit a bit too big for him.
Did you ever get to meet George Cook?
(I want to thank forum member ToesUp for bringing our attention in his postFrom that article in the Daily Mail here's the KH of the Congregation Prince belonged to:
Caption: Prince, who officially converted to the religion in 2003, is associated with the Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall, Saint Louis Park congregation in Minneapolis
The photo of the inside made me notice some interesting details.
Caption: The singer attended a 50-minute ceremony at the church (pictured) on March 23 to commemorate the death of Jesus – an event celebrated by Jehovah’s Witnesses all over the world
It's an old KH style, that was common back in the 80's. The side windows and the ugly light fixtures are from that style, and not the more modern RBC's window-less walls with parabolic light fixtures.
Also the chrome legged chairs are what most KH used three decades ago, and in what hideous colors. Around here in New England the RBC changed over to a similar yet wider steel frame construction, painted and not chromed, and also a little bit wider and more plush by a half an inch on the seat.
They're obviously meeting for going out in service and the projection screen is down ??? I thought they were moving away from projectors and screens, there seems to be a large screen tv at the right hand side of the photo.
If as the article points out Prince gave "gifts of mercy", in considerable amounts of the monetary sort, then that dough wasn't making it to the local congregation's remodeling of the KH. It seems Momma WT must have been the recipient instead.
interesting article i found about prince and the jw religion.
i guess they are trying to get their 15 minutes of fame.
i find it disturbing that the elder stated if prince had an addiction to prescription drugs, that is a personal matter but the hundreds of intrusive jw rules like going to college (not scriptural) and growing a beard (also not scriptural) are not also considered a personal choice.
George Cook, OMG, George F'ing Cook, whattttt!
Caption: Elder George Cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said Prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups
George Cook was DO in our District over two decades ago. He was very detail oriented and very eccentric. He was very controlling and very devoted to Momma WT. It's interesting he still does his hair in a "overlapping" comb-over fashion and wears 1990's eyeglass frames.
His real family name is Greek. But they shortened it to Cook. This once powerful District Overseer must have been put to retirement as with other DO's. The article says he's 81 years old. He wielded a lot of power and expected total allegiance. It is interesting to see how the mighty have fallen. He was once in charge of the Caribbean, traveling the islands and having a grand ol' time. Now he just looks like any little old man in a suit a bit too big for him.
Did you ever get to meet George Cook?
Thanks for bringing out this article. I found it very interesting if somewhat inaccurate about the cremation traditions etc.
I agree that there's definitely a double standard when it comes to those favored among the 0rganization. But...
As the case with George Cook, now just an elder in Prince's home congregation, the mighty ones can come crashing down when Momma WT doesn't need them much anymore.
interesting article i found about prince and the jw religion.
i guess they are trying to get their 15 minutes of fame.
i find it disturbing that the elder stated if prince had an addiction to prescription drugs, that is a personal matter but the hundreds of intrusive jw rules like going to college (not scriptural) and growing a beard (also not scriptural) are not also considered a personal choice.
From that article in the Daily Mail here's the KH of the Congregation Prince belonged to:
Caption: Prince, who officially converted to the religion in 2003, is associated with the Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall, Saint Louis Park congregation in Minneapolis
The photo of the inside made me notice some interesting details.
Caption: The singer attended a 50-minute ceremony at the church (pictured) on March 23 to commemorate the death of Jesus – an event celebrated by Jehovah’s Witnesses all over the world
It's an old KH style, that was common back in the 80's. The side windows and the ugly light fixtures are from that style, and not the more modern RBC's window-less walls with parabolic light fixtures.
Also the chrome legged chairs are what most KH used three decades ago, and in what hideous colors. Around here in New England the RBC changed over to a similar yet wider steel frame construction, painted and not chromed, and also a little bit wider and more plush by a half an inch on the seat.
They're obviously meeting for going out in service and the projection screen is down ??? I thought they were moving away from projectors and screens, there seems to be a large screen tv at the right hand side of the photo.
If as the article points out Prince gave "gifts of mercy", in considerable amounts of the monetary sort, then that dough wasn't making it to the local congregation's remodeling of the KH. It seems Momma WT must have been the recipient instead.
what is it with meetings?.
so often she comes home throws her bag down and stomps around the house.
there are times it thoroughly gets me down.. + supportive comment welcome.
With my wife, if I don't go to the meeting there'll first be this silent disapproval attitude, with loud actions announcing it's time for getting ready to go to the meeting, and also quiet staring before leaving for the KH.
Then once back at home there will be more unspoken tension, loud putting away of books, and meeting clothes, and side stares that linger. All this until time passes, she has a couple glasses of merlot, or can't stand it anymore and says some personal jab needing discussion and reassurance that I love her and I'm not avoiding meetings to "hurt" her.
Trying to be the adult in a situation where one of the mates is still under the claws of a "cult" makes family life "difficult".
the question is, are there two credible witnesses to the allegations of overdose?
if i understand correctly from the research into child abuse, the medical diagnosis would not count as a witness.. was he baptized?
what year?.
If his will left a large chunk of money to the Watchtower, Prince should get a GB member to give his funeral talk. Which of the magnificent 7 would you choose?
Of course it would be Hurdy. He's the one representative of minorities in the GB.
But could you imagine rubber face Lett giving the talk?
Or Bro. Deletion/Loesch. Maybe he'd praise Prince's Superbowl half-time show. NOT.
Or TOMO the turd, talking about Prince's tight pants.
Maybe Splane could let us know which music generation I mean genre Prince was in?
Or Jackson with his wife by the side would do a dance to Prince's "I wanna be your lover".
Or lastly, Sanderson, tablet in hand, could manage the new Funeral Talk Outline.
They certainly have varied choices.