Even his opening remarks were scripted, using vocabulary that is over the top, rather than simple expressions.
It's like someone talking in English or reading from a translated text. To me, a native speaker of Spanish, it sounds like Loesch was reading something he doesn't quite own, it's someone else's translation of what he meant to say.
But anyway, starting off about children and how much the Governing Body "loves" niƱos, considering the pedophile problem in the JW religion is a bit obscene, and he keeps going on and on about their love of children, and telling them not to have schoolmates or neighbor kids as their friends. If the kids aren't children of another Witness, don't make friends with them.
Then he starts off against university, and on and on and on, that those who go to university just want to make more money, that they are in "love" with money, that they are just materialistic people. This dude is sick in the head about going to college, why is he so obsessed with this?
There are many spots where you can see he's just not familiar with the vocabulary he's using, mispronouncing and putting the accent on the wrong syllable, like someone else gave him a word to say and he doesn't know what the word should sound like.
Concluding he says "Jehovah, Jesus and the Governing Body love you". I guess they've really displaced the Holy Spirit and they're the ones that can talk for God and Christ.
Anyway, not just the delivery but the content is pessimal.