Look Crabster, that line of reasoning isn't going to get you anywhere with JW's, bud! What are you a Walter Martin cultist?
The scripture "there is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him" reinforces in a JW's mind that there is only One True God, and that it ain't Jesus.
Now the Bible speaks of other gods. It says others are called gods. And even the "child born to us" is called a Mighty God. But where you're reasoning is cracked is in equating the Only True God with just anyone who is "called" god.
I'm not much on the Trinity, but I do believe in the divine nature of Jesus Christ. To a JW you can't equate the level of divinity between Jehovah God and our Lord Jesus Chrirst because Jesus said the "Father is greater than I" and no matter what you say or try to Walter Martin's line of reasoning isn't going to work too well. In my opinion Walter Martin was a bit too full of himself and his cult defeating super powers of reason.