A personal relationship with God is important for a person of faith. I truly believe that.
There are two books I'd recommend you read by someone who used to be in the Governing Body, he passed away in 2010, but there are youtube videos of him talking about his books online. His name was Raymond (Ray) Franz, and he was the nephew of Fred Franz, also of the Governing Body and President of the WT Society.
"Crisis of Conscience" his first book lays out very clearly how those in control of the 0rganization have since it's beginning made grievous decisions affecting the lives of thousands upon thousands, turning meek people of faith into servants for their own purpose and profit. Joseph Rutherford was in my mind the worst of these due to his boozing, swearing and womanizing ways which you can find out about in older discussion threads on this forum.
"In Search of Christian Freedom" his second book was for me much more up-building, with reasoning points on the accuracy of WT teachings and presenting excellent Bible research on what it means to be a Christian and free from the influence of men who would hijack one's faith for their own purposes.
These two books, especially the second one, will help you, I believe, to strengthen your relationship with Jehovah and help you appreciate the role of Jesus in helping us develop a personal relationship with our Father in heaven.