That conference table is extreeeeeemmmmeeeely pricey!!!
Sets one back quite a few thousand U$D.
But since it's only R&F money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
this time we get to see a new shot of the interior of the gb's board room.
this is where the magic happens lol.. .
here's a picture of a british couple.
That conference table is extreeeeeemmmmeeeely pricey!!!
Sets one back quite a few thousand U$D.
But since it's only R&F money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he hasn't been in the limelight before, so here's his debut:.
To me he seems to have effeminate mannerisms.
as a child growing up, i would see different arguments to defend a certain belief.
it may have required mental gymnastics in order to make a point but there was an actual attempt to explain, teach, and educate....even if the belief or teaching was bogus.. nowadays, it appears that jws couldn’t explain any belief.
they are drones and do as “mother “ has directed..
True that!
I think there is a large part of the American public that has also been infatilized, though. Judging by the state of readiness in college freshmen. Hopefully one of the much needed skills from their studies is how to reason and think critically.
then there was an interview with two longtime bethelites who were both asked about defining moments in their service.
the woman mentioned studying the so-called "deep" publications, and they showed these two on screen.ironically the one on the right was the book famous for saying the end would come in 1975, but that went over everybody's heads.
she also mentioned the day when the gb announced that multiple longtime bethelites would be "reassigned" aka canned.
Wow, his first wife was really cute, I wonder what the background to his life story was.
he was basically a good man, just a believer in the religion.
when we were both elders we were best of friends and then things deteriorated when i was not an elder for a while.
then after becoming an elder again, i slowly drifted away from the religion and he drifted further away from me.
Sorry for the loss of your brother, Min.
just spoke with my mother about the summit for north and south korea, her face turned a ghastly pale and she refused to talk to me about it afterwards.
i know exactly what is on her mind, and i'm not sure if i can say or do anything to assuage her fears about this being a fulfillment of prophecy.
any suggestions on what i could perhaps tell her to try and steer her from her line of thinking?
Just mention the March on the border fence in the middle East it ain't all peace and security
i went on line looking for old jw songs and some of them were pretty good and some were just awful!.
did you ever like any of those songs?
I don't think anybody Luked molested bees.
many of my friends are turning to instagram.
i’m not on there just yet.🦍.
You can say that again, min!
what are the psychological effects of losing your religion?.
bps research digest.
Quite an interesting article.
I'd say though that the process of loosing one's JW shell is a painful and traumatic experience, at least it was for me. The sense of betrayal and the feeling of having been lied to and being taken advantage of was devastating.
But, the feeling of "having re-joined the rest of humanity" as Ray F. wrote was a welcomed feeling that made me better able to see the bigger picture and how small and insignificant the JW world really is.
When during one RBC remodeling a fellow elder was being a jerk know-it-all getting on everyone's case I had a row with him about this and an ex-elder good friend of mine took me aside and told me "just rise above it". I think there are a lot of these awake still-ins who just rise above it but are too aware of the pain separating from the cult will make them go through, with the loss of family members and the shunning from JW believers.
The pain of rising above it is real, it's mental, it's traumatic. And, it's different for everyone according to their circumstances and their connections to others in the cult.
2018-04-11-e-boespeaker's monitor!.
It says ,NO!
that cong's shouldn't install a speakers facing monitor without asking the LDC
Some cong's have already installed them and the branch ain't happy