Here's a spoof on the video that you just gotta see!
Excellent job showing Tony the T*rd's mind while doing his little match illustration.
here is one of the many commandments jesus instructed his twelve apostles to keep, follow, and obey!.
here is anthony morris ( supposedly selected by jehovah to keep, follow and obey the sayings of jesus ) name-calling and condemning enemies!
the pharisees used to label people as well.
Here's a spoof on the video that you just gotta see!
Excellent job showing Tony the T*rd's mind while doing his little match illustration.
jehovah's witnesses 'ordered destruction' of notes which could have been used during child sexual abuse inquiry.
06:21, 7 feb 2016. by huw silk.
Branch Records Destruction Policy Video
"Sometimes a little encouragement from the overseers goes a long way with some of the folks who don't want to cooperate. We know how to talk to them"
Branch presenter admits that handwritten note cost them USD$200,000.00 in litigation with company they were denying involvement with and other pearls.
hello everyone, if the elders start hounding someone to attend a judicial committee meeting is there any legal recourse that someone can take to make them back off?
i know that sometimes they will just at the threat of it.
it depends on whether the local elders feel they need to kick you out to let the rank and file know you were dealt with or they can leave you alone and no one will notice.
emma peelyou’re oh so thrillin’ when you’re bashin’ in a villainin a tight black leather catsuit, yes indeed!head held highyou won’t dawdle but accelerate the throttle as you .
toss a wink to handsome partner steedemma pealyou crave adventure in your role as an avengercool and pretty with such witty repartee’deserving of a kudo with the lithe and limber judoyou’re the boss with every tosser comes your wayemma pealmay break the rules but she’ll never suffer fools(though she’ll make the fools soon suffer for their crime!
)nemesis to haughty ones, a darling to her audiencethe champion trendsetter of her timeemma pealwe’d love to kiss you every fan is gonna miss you(i am reaching for the tissue) as i cryas a true and loyal fan ireally know (you are diana)it’s the ending of an era bye and byebeautiful dianafond adieu …rest in peace my angellove, terry.
loved the poem, she was a great lady
may she rest in peace
'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
Can the GB'ers be so out of touch?
That they don't realize how stupid their counsel sounds?
I guess that's what they meant when they wrote about instructions that don't seem reasonable from a sane person's point of view.
It's a Cult, yup, it is definitely a very unreasonable statement, but what can we expect from a Cult leader who has all his needs taken care of and doesn't have a clue what people in the real world go through just to make ends meet and survive.
i've already posted in an earlier thread how the pandemic benefits the org in that it presents it an excuse to go completely electronic and sell all buildings (if that's what it wants).
however, there is another way the pandemic benefits the org; it presents it an excuse for declining numbers.. many of us have wondered just how much of a downturn there's been in jw land in recent years.
we've wondered whether the org was playing with the numbers to make the situation appear better than it was.
I think if the figures start going south they wont report them and only highlight positive percentages here and there as silly as these may be
correct me if i'm wrong but about the same time this was activated was when the wt.
came out with the "we may receive instructions that may not seem practical from a human standpoint".
and it has been emphasized greatly regarding covid measures that "we must obey the superior authorities".
@JeffT, rounding up the "Republicans" you say... Interesting,
maybe just the Trumpublicans. Them Trumpeople can go! But,
I personally tend to like the Lincoln Project and Libertarian folks,
they can stay.
he was serving as a special pioneer in queensland but was transferred to sydney 2012 i belive.
ratehr decent chap, liked peugeot cars...just wondering if anyone knows him and how is he doing..
😁 David Hasselhoff and the talking
Knight Rider Trans-Am, no Peugots there.
in wt world, a marriage is only seen (considered) as legal if it is registered in the municipality (or similar governmental organisation).
now, if you look at the scriptures, there was no requirement to have a marriage legally registered in order to be considered married.
is it not strange that the wt subjects themselves to and adopts an worldly arrangement setup but governments rules by satan when it comes to a marital status?.
Meleti at Beroean Pickets just put out this video interviwing Dr. James Penton of Apocalypse Delayed, about matrimony and what Rutherford taught about it which is very very different from current JW doctrine
thanks petra and atlantis for sending the latest letter regarding the watchtowers plan for a worldwide campaign in november this year.
i am wondering what they are planning to achieve from this campaign, particularly their focus on sending the watchtower 2020 no.
2, titled "what is god's kingdom" to politicians, governments (and tribal leaders) around the world.. it would appear that this is their answer to governments who have put them in the spot light for their bad policies, particularly their handling of child abuse.
Campaigns like this are the 0rganization's way of self pleasuring, and this Watchtower issue is wetter than a Bethel dorm pillow.