Two scenarios, at each extreme of what I'd hope for...
On the positive side (from my POV):
I would like to see a radical change like what took place with the Church
of God Armstrong becoming Grace Communion International.
Becoming more "Christian" and mainstream and leaving behind quirky
Rutherford & Freddy Franz theological gaffes would be nice.
On the other hand:
What I think we may see is a cracking down on expressing dissention, and too,
perhaps a confirmation of the often rumored changes with the way CO's and DO's operate.
The goal being to put more of the legal accountability on the local congregations
and BOE's while demanding more loyalty to their "Mother" Organization.
As always using obfuscation telling the R&F through elders that the changes
would be to simplify and better follow the scriptural pattern with the hope of
hiding the real trigger for the changes being the big hit of the abuser Kendrick trial.
(Like with the donation/contribution change brought on by the Swaggart case).