Dragon's Kitchen sounds quite orientally themed to me, for some reason.
How about some TTATT take-out? :-)
it is amazing how bethel is the best at making apostates!
i wonder how many new up and coming apostates the new wt headquarters will generate?.
what nice and fresh stories will surface from the secluded and private wt hub?
Dragon's Kitchen sounds quite orientally themed to me, for some reason.
How about some TTATT take-out? :-)
i am looking for more ideas of interesting movies and gritty crime shows to watch.. .
the killings, wallander, luther, dexter, braquo (french (english subbed) german (berlin berlin), sherlock, george gently, inspector frost, inspector lewis, did i say "dexter (though the ending was a bummer :( ) "orange is the new black", "house of cards", "mad men".. .
can you add to my profile of movies and series i need to see?
george orwell's animal farm reminds me a lot of the wt organization.
often we find jwn members quoting from 1984, and so appropriately too.. but animal farm has the pigs being "more equal" than other animals in the farm.
what started as a "congregation of brothers" if it ever really was that in the russellite beginings has become a hierarchy controlled by an oligarchy where some, as the governing body, are more "equal", and thus more powerful and can do no wrong by the less powerful and loyal subjects.. .
@maninthemiddle, thanks for the photo! A picture can say so much more, especially with the "Big Bro" painting above it.
Maybe that's the reason why the GB is coming out with so many pictures of themselves, it's Big Brother worship in JW disguise.
my story in brief..... after being a born-in, getting baptized at 15, and seeking to excel based on the approval of elders and my parents, i hit a bump in the road.
i moved to a new congregation, and was a little more than disheartened by the lack of love.
with all my responsibilities removed from the recent move and being told that i no longer qualified for responsibilities due to my declining activity, i sat down to do some long overdue research to appreciate our spiritual heritage.
Not shunning is the right thing to do.
You are the "better person" for not following the WT blindly and shunning a Christian brother who may have stumbled.
george orwell's animal farm reminds me a lot of the wt organization.
often we find jwn members quoting from 1984, and so appropriately too.. but animal farm has the pigs being "more equal" than other animals in the farm.
what started as a "congregation of brothers" if it ever really was that in the russellite beginings has become a hierarchy controlled by an oligarchy where some, as the governing body, are more "equal", and thus more powerful and can do no wrong by the less powerful and loyal subjects.. .
George Orwell's Animal Farm reminds me a lot of the WT Organization. Often we find JWN members quoting from 1984, and so appropriately too.
But Animal Farm has the pigs being "more equal" than other animals in the farm. What started as a "congregation of brothers" if it ever really was that in the Russellite beginings has become a hierarchy controlled by an oligarchy where some, as the Governing Body, are more "equal", and thus more powerful and can do no wrong by the less powerful and loyal subjects.
So why is the Governing Body more "equal". Because they have the power to change the meaning of words. That's why, just like the pigs in Animal Farm. If equal becomes another meaning of "entitled, deserving, above others" then the SOME truly are lording it over the OTHERS.
Too, the recent BOE letter about the name changes of "district conventions" to "regional conventions" is an example of Orwellian word manipulations. Of course, the book "1984" shows many examples of this that we could point to. But Animal Farm uses some humor in exposing these more equal ones for what they really are, a bunch of greedy unclean swine.
Where's the Achille's Heel in this? I'll make that another post.
heard from the meeting yesterday that the 2014 yearbook mentioned a $ amount that the org spent on overseers and missionaries.
i remember is was 100+ million.
does anyone have that stat and the page number?.
Oubliette said: " And every congregation provides an "Accounts Report" to the congregation each month providing full disclosure. Why does "Mother" not follow that procedure?"
But this is not quite so. The accounts report used to be read to the congregations, and the operating committee reported on expenses but then there was a letter to the BOE and the accounts report was not read to the congregations for a while, just posted on the information board. Then they started to read the accounts for the congregation once again, but the one that really matters is the operating committee's account. That's the one where the money is stashed and only appointed ones are privy to the real status of the accounts. The local congregation's account is just a sheet to intimidate publishers into thinking that's there's only just enough covering the expenses every month, barely or even coming short. But they're really only short of what the operating committee's goal is for each month. It's really a money laundering scam when you think about it. The money disapears into other numbered accounts that the publishers don't know about and it is actually in the hands of the WT, for their use and can only be withdrawn from if there's some absolute and immediate necessity. Momma WT knows all the accounting tricks. You betcha!
can someone please point me to anywhere that more information regartding this can be found.. i read a smidge about it in another post and would love to see if there is more info.
Two years ago when this first showed up.
There was a call in to Brooklyn, it was taped.
They acklowledged everything said at the trial.
At that time the only description of the FDS in
print was that it was the 144000 and the GB
was only it's representative.
The recording was put online and a link was
posted here. Steven Unthank told the truth
about what went on in court and the recording
of the call to Brooklyn's Legal Dept. proves it.
i'm sure i read a thread here about the new congregation accounting procedures.
i ask because i handle the accounts in our cong and in our part of the world the new accounting system has just arrived whereby local congs do not have their own account any longer, but all funds outside of basic monthly costs is forwarded to an account controlled by the org.
this is causing huge confusion in our cong as we have to work out how much we need to keep back for monthly costs and the new idea is that you send all your extra cash to the org and if you need it back you can ask for it but we don't know how easy or hard it would be to do that.
Here's the skinny on how our congregation does it's banking, here in New England.
There are two congregations sharing the hall, one, the downtown territory, with a lot of old JWs the other one in the suburbs.
Both congregations pay an operating committee whatever the committee feels they need for KH maintenance, they've got 14000 in the bank but this info is only shared with other elders and Mins at the monthly operating committee meeting.
All you hear from the podium are the local accounts being read out. The local brother says how much we're behind on the operating committees goal for the month. Everything from the boxes to Worldwide work and KH builing fund gets sent to the Branch.
If there's extra from what we send in to the operating committee the elders may vote to send it to the WT or to put it in an account where the WT has control of the money. If local contributions aren't enough for the month, the operating committee can take from the account in control of the WT after some paperwork since the now 14000 in the operating committee's account doesn't belong to the local congregation but the WT holds the money for the operating committee. If there's no money to cover the operating committe's goals from the local cong's then as a last resort they can request to withdraw from this 14000+ when needed, that is with WT go ahead.
This way the ever increasing operating committee sums are kept from the R&F and only those appointed know how much there's in that kitty. The R&F is always made to feel that local contributions are barely making it and encouraged to contribute more.
It's a very productive scam for the WT.
elders school 2013: model judicial committee videothe third vid hildebrando posted was very irritating!.
the three elders are quite interested in that the.
young man cut off association with the pregnant.
Well said, all the legalism is robbing JW's from growing
into mature adults who can make clear headed decisions.
Without the aid of referencing the WT articles on any matter
they're at a loss as to what to do.
On many issues there's this unclear leading in the WT that
leaves JWs feeling the brunt of making a decision out of conscience.
I know, I was like that too, if an article isn't clear which way to go
on something, then a JW feels that uneasy feeling, born from laziness
of mind that prevents them from acting on something because of
not having been clearly told what to do.
The WT has made mental slaves of their followers and when they
want to shirk responsibility they then dump the decision of conscience
on the publisher. The publisher, not having been used to exercising
his true conscience, but trained to have a WT disposition to follow
what he's told, now has to decide, and his indecision reveals a
moral ineptitude.
I had that feeling when the fractions explanations came along.
Not really understanding any of the disonance of accepting fractions
I went with not accepting anything on my blood card form.
It would be later, much later, finding the chapter on blood by
Ray Franz that really made open my eyes and start to reason
on the blood issue. Anyway that's one example, that comes to
mind, thinking back on this issue of being unprepared, and
immature about life's problems and what to do about them.
The WT doesn't have all the right answers, as a matter of fact
they have most of the wrong answers on just about anything.
elders school 2013: model judicial committee videothe third vid hildebrando posted was very irritating!.
the three elders are quite interested in that the.
young man cut off association with the pregnant.
It's situations like these where JWs act like Pharisees.
Their rules actually prevent them from doing the moral
thing in order to right the wrongs committed.
That said, I'm not really feeling sorry for the young guy.
He had his fun, and now he acts like it was all her fault.
I guess that his growing up in the Cult didn't really prepare
him to abstain from fornication, did it? If fornication is the
reason why most DF's take place what does that say about
"from their fruits you'll recognize them"?