No, it just reads on a footnote that a number of authoritative ancient texts omit the passage.
JoinedPosts by oppostate
by oppostate inthe new revised larger print nwt bibles (nwtls-e) are being distributed now.. the margins are quite big in contrast to the skinny text columns.. the same fanciful mini-study material at the beginning and ends.. .
by oppostate inthe new revised larger print nwt bibles (nwtls-e) are being distributed now.. the margins are quite big in contrast to the skinny text columns.. the same fanciful mini-study material at the beginning and ends.. .
The new revised larger print NWT Bibles (nwtls-E) are being distributed now.
The margins are quite big in contrast to the skinny text columns.
The same fanciful mini-study material at the beginning and ends.
Memorial Musings
by undercover ina few things noticed in last nights annual, jesus who?
1: only one scripture from the gospels was read or cited.
I went to a Massachussetts congregation during the second (less packed together) session.
The first session went over by 20 minutes. The KH was really packed in. One brother waiting
outside to get in commented to others waiting on either side of the exiting horde, "Wow, the
Hall tonight looks like one of those circus cabs when all the clowns start getting out of the car"
and so many of us laughed out loud and thought it so very accurate a statement.
One new partaker in the first session, an older brother, in good standing, but not a servant.
In the second session another brother partook there, it's a very new congregation and this
is the first time anyone has partaken in the last three Memorials/years they've been holding
I thought it very funny when a Bible Student reached into the plate to take a piece of
flat bread and his "teacher" grabbed his hand and shook his head no, the poor young
guy just shrugged his shoulders. It reminded me of what Jesus said to the Pharisees
about preventing others to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens and that they themselves
did not go in.
How the GB give themselves away (forensic analysis)
by Terry inwhat makes the faithful and discreet slave (fds) any different than the rest of us?.
isn't it their superpowers of channeling "food at the proper time"?.
is this a special talent?
The surety of how they proclaim to have the Truth(c) and everyone else is wrong, that's what really gets to me.
The lack of humility, the eagerness to slander other churches, the unwillingness to do anything for charity to help the poor, that's what I consider pharisaical and worthy of contempt.
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have proven themselves to follow the un-Christian practices of Substitute Judge for a few days Rutherford, and like him are guilty of proclaiming men's teachings as if they were directed by God.
Thanks Terry for your logical and well reasoned, and balanced post.
2014 DC Release (Unofficial Rumors)
by WatchTower87 inmi first prophecy:.
friday afternoon: 4:20 teach your children to love gods kingdom!
new book/brochure for children based on the articles "teach your children" (appeared in watchtower public edition).
Good Ol' ILOOWY says:
Nuevo libro de la Organizacion. Para el Sabado de la asamblea regional
New OR book released the Saturday PM of the Regional Convention.
"Jehovah's Organization"
The End of Circuit Overseers
by wisdomfrombelow ini am sure that the term "circuit overseer" will be gone soon.
they seem to be changing vocabulary and the presiding overseer is now the "coordinator of the body of elders" and all "district overseers" will be gone in a few months.
they used to be called "circuit servants" but they will never re-hash an old term so they will make a new term.
Regional Coordinators
Jehovah Witness An Organization Of Shame.
by WhoYourDaddy ini don't have anything good to say about these people.. if you can get past all of the ambient abuse.. if you can get past all of the twisted lies and shameful history.. if you can get past all of the familes destroyed and children damaged from the blood and 2 witness policy.. if you can get past all of the real estate laundering and for profit lies; it is all about the money.. if you can get past all of the hypocricy and bitterness.. if you can get past all of the gb megalomaniacs.. if you can get past all those things.. i still can't find anything good to say about this shameful group of ignorant people.. shame on each and every one of you controlling liers.. shame on each and every one of you who aid and abet this continued ambient abuse and ridiculous fraud of an organization.. shame on you..
You weren't a JW baptized publisher by any chance, were you?
If you were to read what you wrote as a baptized publisher you'd be shocked and wouldn't think any of those things were accurate.
Would you apply those things to the organization while being an active Witness?
I too believe that the R&F Witnesses are mostly good hearted people who have been deceived by a self-serving printing and realestate holdings corporation posing as a religion.
How Many Circuit Overseers And District Overseers Really Believe The Governing Body Is Really The Faithful and Discreet Slave and That The Watchtower Is God's Earthly Organization?
by frankiespeakin ini'm thinking around 20% have serious doubts and 99% have some doubts but keep them from becoming conscious to avoid cognitive dissonance.
this is becoming increasingly harder to do over the fact that the governing body are showing their true colors and the contridictions are so great..
The original discussion can be reached at:
Interesting to pass on what I heard from a substitute-CO about filling in for a regular CO while the CO was in training...
They were testing out whether local brothers could take the lead in circuit visits and then in turn the regular CO would be their trainer.
This was like five years ago. But then the CO's were moved all over again and nothing like that happened.
As to DO's... I knew Bro. Herd as a DO and he could be quite frank about the ordeals he'd gone through as a CO, but he actually seemed to liked being suppressed, having to endure all kinds of hardships and put up with the rules and the regulations that didn't make much sense, but he went along willingly doing his assignments, all this from what he told it like in a very free manner, like if you got a letter with a tongue lashing and you didn't feel that you deserved it he'd just chalk it up to the many times when he'd deserved it and got away without scolding from the Branch. I guess that's how to go up in the hierarchy, and he did, he made it to the GB.
watchtower library 2013 spanish please!!! por favor en espaƱol..
by ar123 inany of you guys have the watchtower library 2013 in spanish???
alguno de ustedes tiene la watchtower library 2013 en espanol?.
alguien lo podria subir??.
I need some urgent advice, please!!
by alonein321 inhere's my story.
i'm 24 years old and i live in brazil.
i'm a 3rd gen born-in jw and all close relatives in the borg (parents, grandparents, uncles, wife, inlaws) except my little sister (she's 16 and didnt buy jw doctrine).
Oi! Whatever you do don't do it hastily or in a moment of heated feelings!
Think trough to conclusions and try to know what conclusion is the one you'd be most comfortable with.
For now don't DA if you can help it. As others have also mentioned here on JWN you are better able to
wriggle for room to breath within the org than outside of it where they'll want to take your air out and
leave you to flap around like a dying fish out of water.
Write your BOE a letter and tell them you can no longer put up with the lack of love and disruption of your
life by people in the Congregation who are supposed to take the lead but instead are taking advantage of
their position to make others' lives miserable. Tell them you are quitting their congregation but are not
disassociating in any way, and hold on to your right to seek another congregation to fellowship in where
they may be more loving and actually exercise Christian conduct. If the elders try to harass you they will
meet with legal action since you no longer consider yourself a voting member of the congregation and a
publisher there. Since you are withdrawing from membership in the congregation you do not want any
retribution against you and any such will be met with legal action against them. Also you are not involving
the WTB&TS unless they choose to give support to the un-Christian leadership now in control of the
congregation. If so they will also be included in any further legal measures you have to take.
That may buy you off some time to be able to get the BOE off your back, and in the meantime be as nice
and good to your wife as you can, as a Christian man is expected to, and as someone who has put a lot
of time into that relationship to throw it away for the sake of a bunch of brainwashed followers of a
printing and realestate holdings corporation.
Don't let them control you! Use their legalistic tactics against them.