JoinedPosts by oppostate
Who says the "Evil Slave" is hypothetical? We, The Dallas Theological Seminary, say so, that's who!
by DATA-DOG injesus asked, "who really is the faithful and discreet slave.." maybe he didn't know??
evidently, "the faithful slave", isn't just the governing body of the wtbts, feeding the many with their pudgy hands.
the dts, dallas theological seminary, must also make up the composite/singular fds.
Based on the fewest assumptions, Occams razor, would indicate those who say the Evil Slave is merely hypothetical are themselves the real Evil Slave. Qui bono? -
Loyalty? Today's WT The RC. It's a fix!
by Slidin Fast intoday's wt has the below scripture as it's theme.
friday of the rc has the same as it's theme.
the silver nwt is alone in using the word loyalty in this verse.
Yes, that's definitely a good catch as to how they twist the translation to their liking.
In JW-dom "loyalty" trumps "mercy" and "kindness".
Loyalty to the JW hierarchy and their policies is what's most important to them.
Everything is for the benefit and profit of the 0rganization.
Rogue Bro. exposing TTATT, becomes a huge hit in Japan. It boasts nearly 300,000 access each month
by nakanozzi ina japanese bro.
in good standing in his congregation, exposing ttatt in his blog, boasts nearly 300,000 access per month.. he is nearly unstoppable.. shou-tan blog.
They would have a hard time using a bathroom in North Carolina! -
To all my fellow sufferers at this "special" meeting today
by purrpurr inhow are we all faring?
are we learning anything?
how are we coping?
I just did... I went to the toliet and was "very naughty"
That sounds indeed quite naughty. But thanks for the update. The lack of details is understandable.
Prince's will
by wannaexit inis it possible that watchtower is in possession of prince's will and the legal department is waiting for the until things settle down to produce it?.
Is it bad or against the rules here to have several threads on the same topic?
No, it just annoys some folks. But the more threads and the more page loads the more Google Ads revenue that can be a support for Simon who owns this domain, so I say the more discussions the better. -
To all my fellow sufferers at this "special" meeting today
by purrpurr inhow are we all faring?
are we learning anything?
how are we coping?
Last Sunday meeting I was reading James Penton's Apocalypse Delayed on my Kindle Fire while the droning WT study was going on in the background.
Give us an update on the "Special" meeting if you're up to it.
A big thanks to all you good good people
by aboveusonlysky in"when the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies" jefferson airplane.
until that is you find websites like this!
i want to say a big thank you to all of you for everything i've learned here, as well as jwfacts, jwsurvey, coc, isocf etc.. i'm a born in and i spent more than two decades of my adult life in full time 'service' for the (b)org.
I'll be happy if I can contribute anything
You just did contribute something very powerful. Not having been a born-in myself I see how my thought patterns from before the cult were there lying dormant beneath the mind control.
But as a born-in, you probably can't connect with a pre-cult personality and what you identify is the mistreatment, abuse and bullying that this cult can wreak on the young, being totally at the mercy of their dangerous influence and control.
Thanks for your contribution. Keep expressing your thoughts, it's very much appreciated.
by Deleteandrestart insince i woke up one year ago , i've been doing a somewhat controlled fade , the experience i've had has been a very solitary one , i don't mean by not seeing anyone i know because i know hundreds in several congregations and i was an elder .
but just coming to terms with the fact that this was no longer the solution to life's problems, that i'd wasted so much time, that as i sat in the kh and heard everyone comment, my heart was no longer in it , i no longer fitted in ..... i felt that they were in the congregation all under the spell or some form of hypnosis from the wtbts,.
it was like for the first time in my experience at the kh , that i was the only one to see what was actually going on , the indoctrination, the guilt tripping, i could see it all as clear as day , and yet i had as it where a metal gag over my mouth, i couldn't speak to anyone about it for fear of them turning me into the spiritual police.
I'm awake and still feeling trapped in this cult due to family.
It's a sickening feeling to read in the WT that they know it's wrong to divide a family over religion, that a religion shouldn't force families apart. And yet, that is exactly what they do. They, the WT hierarchs, fully know the emotional and mental pressure this can have on a person. They insist on absolute "loyalty" and will not tolerate anyone to speak against their controlling policies.
Having this forum to voice frustrations and share experiences with folks that have gone and are going through something similar is a real help for me--mentally, emotionally and in a subconscious level which I'm not fully able to pinpoint, coming to JWDF (Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum) is like a breath of air when you're drowning, or an inoculation shot when you're surrounded by infectious disease, it's like a good shot of whiskey when going through a tragedy.
Finding out I wasted the most productive and best years of my adult life at the mercy and control of a self-serving cult is without a doubt a grievous tragedy. That said, I'm pouring myself a double and cheers to freedom of mind.
Can you image sitting there hearing this (Spanish)
by fulano ingerrit losch giving a talk in so-called spanish in the dominican republic.
first begging for donations ...and than this.
brothers and sisters travelling hours and hours to hear this reading, he obviously doesnt speak spanish, just knows how to read it.
Even his opening remarks were scripted, using vocabulary that is over the top, rather than simple expressions.
It's like someone talking in English or reading from a translated text. To me, a native speaker of Spanish, it sounds like Loesch was reading something he doesn't quite own, it's someone else's translation of what he meant to say.
But anyway, starting off about children and how much the Governing Body "loves" niƱos, considering the pedophile problem in the JW religion is a bit obscene, and he keeps going on and on about their love of children, and telling them not to have schoolmates or neighbor kids as their friends. If the kids aren't children of another Witness, don't make friends with them.
Then he starts off against university, and on and on and on, that those who go to university just want to make more money, that they are in "love" with money, that they are just materialistic people. This dude is sick in the head about going to college, why is he so obsessed with this?
There are many spots where you can see he's just not familiar with the vocabulary he's using, mispronouncing and putting the accent on the wrong syllable, like someone else gave him a word to say and he doesn't know what the word should sound like.
Concluding he says "Jehovah, Jesus and the Governing Body love you". I guess they've really displaced the Holy Spirit and they're the ones that can talk for God and Christ.
Anyway, not just the delivery but the content is pessimal.
"Governing Body members during Branch visits. They're are like pigeons: they fly in, shit all over us and fly out"
by oppostate inso i suggested in another thread that correspondence that will have a demoralizing impact against gb policies won't be those that criticize doctrine.
no, my thought is that if you write in to bethel with jokes about the gb members and their loony-ness you might get a bethel letter reader to remember what you wrote and pass it around.. e.g.. a foreign born governing body member from europe is talking to his new governing body helper.
the governing body member looks at him with a squint in his eyes and says.
Governing Body Sanderson is making a Branch Visit to Haiti for a week. The Branch Overseer has arranged for a suite at the best and most expensive hotel in the Capital. When Sanders walks into his hotel room, there's a beautiful girl, nude, lying onthe bed. She says, "Hi, Sandie, I'm a little something extra that the Branch Overseer arranged for you.
Sanderson is incensed. He picks up the phone, calls the Branch Overseer and says, "You idiot! What were you thinking? Where's your respect? I am one of the moral leaders of our 0rganization! I am very angry with you and you have not heard the end of this.
"The girl gets up and starts to get dressed. Sanderson looks up turns to her and says, "Where are you going? I'm not angry with you."