JoinedPosts by oppostate
Bearded Danish Elder: WORLDS APART
by compound complex indo you remember our interest a few years back in the film, worlds apart?.
Home bookstudy ended because of 'independent study' groups? Any interesting stories regarding these types of groups?
by Nicodemus Kathoplizo insomeone suggested the other day that the home bookstudy meeting ended because of 'independent study' groups (in ireland) going 'off the reservation' and left the truth (tm).. has anyone heard of this before?.
does anyone have interesting stories of 'independent study' groups resulting in large scale apostasy?.
they did not publish this for no reason:.
The brother I'd studied with and looked up to, burnt out years ago as an elder. I had just spent the morning with him in field service and we were discussing what we did to break up the monotony of studying for the meetings.
I told him I'd been trying to read the Kingdom Interlinear and learning Koine Greek. Hey, why not, it was a perfect hobby for me. Both his eyebrows raised up, he thought it interesting, and challenging, and he said, "Good for you, keep it up!".
A few months later the KM 9/07 comes out against learning Hebrew and Greek or doing independent research. I asked him what he thought of the new Question Box in the KM. He rolled his eyes and said, "I guess I'll just have to stick to my fly-tying."
Russian laywers price
by sp74bb insome sources in spanish forum points 50 millions us$ as the total amount payed to wt lawyers in russia.. despite this they have not stopped the liquidation of russian branch.
personnel will be relocated in finland and administration will be covered from poland.. source: http://www.extj.com/showthread.php?27809-noticias-de-rusia&p=508612#post508612.
Gracias por las noticias. Thanks so much for keeping us up-to-date on this!
My 2016 RC Experience
by wannabefree ini'm at the water park with my five year old in green bay.
she was so happy to be spared another boring day like she endured at thursday's propaganda feast with her mother.
after breakfast we drove by the convention site.
Regional sounds like one will now have to drive farther than to a District Convention, doesn't it?
WT September 2016: Tight Pants (Does your style of dress Glorify God?
by Designer Stubble inwe will not weigh you down with burdensome lists, as you have the freedom to choose, but here is our list anyway.some snippets:.
the law showed jehovah’s strong feelings against clothing that does not make clear the distinction between male and female—what has been described in our day as unisex fashion.
(read deuteronomy 22:5.
AND the law also promoted killing of anyone who broke a rule...are we now going to do that too?
Yes, basically they do what they can do to the extent they can get away with legally, with shunning and treating human beings like the living dead. If they could legally put someone to death I'm sure they'd vomit up an article describing how it was done in the Old Testament and how it should be applied now.
They're like the pharisees bemoaning the fact the Romans didn't allow them to impose the death penalty. Bunch of filthy-lucre-loving, blood-stained-hand hypocrites that they are at WT HQ!
Beards - September 2016 Watchtower
by Listener inthe issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
There's probably more and more JW's waking up and questioning this Rutherfordian no-beards doctrine. Something needed to be said and as usual the WT vomits a lot of words saying basically nothing much.
May 21, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Annual Items for 2017
by wifibandit inmay 21, 2016 to all congregations re: annual items for 2017.
I'd say David_Jay has a point. The WTB&TS has died to its old ways of publishing and it has been rebranded and reborn as JW.0rg, let's see how long this lasts.
You wear tight pants and you will be in trouble
by wannaexit ini was reading in another forum, that a letter to the elders instructed them to speak to anybody who persists in wearing tight pants.
if changes don't happen then the instructions are to disqualify him from being a publisher but it won't be announced to the congregation.
i am am curious to see if this letter will surface.
Someone anonymously tipped the elders?
by raven inso here an update on my current situation, in a nutshell i've been trying to quietly fade for the past 5 months.. well, my mom somehow found out that i am currently fading and that i live with my boyfriend (for more info on this check my previous posts) i told her yes i live with him and yes i no longer want to be a jw.
anyways, yesterday she met my boyfriend.. awkward.
and after lunch she pulled me aside to tell me that the po came up to her (he was part of my jc when i was reproved) he said to her "someone came to me and said - i cannot say who so they will remain anonymous- but that your daughter is living with someone" my mom confirmed and apparently he told her that i have one week to confess this, and if i don't my parents are obligated to tell them everything.. what kind of nonsense is that?
Geoffy J. wasn't quite upfront with the ARC about fading.
Technically, faders can be off the JW radar unless they break WT rules and the BOE hears about it. Then their hounder detectors kick in and the hunt is on.