What is life
Baby don't hurt me no more
Oops that's what is love
when i was a jobo, i used to thing of 'life without end at laaaasssssst'.. having been on my journey out of the wbt$ slaveholdery, i have found that something that makes sense is that life doesn't owe us a meaning.
psalms 146:4 was actually bangeth on the money-eth 'his breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.'.
although i am now very atheist, and really do not even think there is the remotest possibility of a god, that bible passage is correct.
What is life
Baby don't hurt me no more
Oops that's what is love
hi orphancrow.
thought you might be interested in the following, brief, court case summary.
high court family division - 18 november 2016an nhs foundation hospital v mr and mrs t. http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/ewhc/fam/2016/2980.html.
Gee, that is just too bad concerning use of profanity.
But in the case of elders and GoBo members I would call it well warranted.
Enablers and promoters of the blood transfusion policy that has resulted in so many needless deaths deserve to be called those insults and more, in my opinion,
there's been discussion on this forum about the wt's preaching campaigns in israel - here's an interesting article with pictures.
a rare glimpse into the insular world of israeli jehovah's witnesses.
the state refuses to recognize them and they have been victims of harassment.
Looks like one has to have a login password to read the article.
Must be quite secretive reporting... :-p
while mike pence the vice president-elect is a hardcore conservative christian with a history of anti-lgbt-related controversies, mike pence the software developer appears to be the exact opposite.
he described himself to nymag as a “liberal, atheist, ex-jehovah’s witness computer programmer,” and “not a bigoted shill for the republican party.”.
meet mike pence’s namesake: ‘other’ mike pence has no love lost for vp-elect.
While Mike Pence the Vice President-elect is a hardcore conservative Christian with a history of anti-LGBT-related controversies, Mike Pence the software developer appears to be the exact opposite. He described himself to NYMag as a “liberal, atheist, ex-Jehovah’s Witness computer programmer,” and “not a bigoted shill for the Republican party.”
He did, however, admit to growing up homophobic and conservative due to his Jehovah’s Witnesses upbringing, which he has since renounced.
It isn’t easy these days being Mike Pence’s namesake. Mistaken identities are not unusual for people with common first and last names, but if you’ve got the same name as a lawmaker who has earned a lot of controversy for his beliefs and background, things can get quite difficult indeed. Just ask the “other” Mike Pence, who shares a name with the U.S. Vice President-elect, but is a completely different person in every known way.
A report from the Telegraph looked at the story of software developer Pence, whose Twitter account, @mikepence, has supposedly received a barrage of tweets meant for Donald Trump’s controversial running mate. Ironically, this Mike Pence doesn’t appear to be very fond of his more famous namesake, recently quoting one of the more memorable lines from the 1999 comedy Office Space. That line was delivered by a character named Michael Bolton, who shared a name with the much-maligned real-life singer.
Apart from tweeting that Office Space meme last night, software engineer Mike Pence poked more fun at his namesake by listing himself on his Twitter profile as “not a Christo-fascist politician.”
The Telegraph didn’t go into depth into the nature of the tweets unintentionally sent to the 49-year-old software developer but meant for the vice president-elect, but he did speak to NYMag‘s Brian Feldman in July, well before the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, and soon after Donald Trump named Indiana governor Mike Pence as his running mate.
At that time, he used an American flag as his Twitter avatar, possibly confusing users, and he did get some cringe-worthy “hate-tweets from the left,” but he nonetheless decided to add some levity to the situation.
“I can’t begin to catch up with the mentions of @mikepence on Twitter. On the one hand, it has been hugely entertaining, since I get to troll conservatives a bit by pretending to be in a love affair with @realDonaldTrump using my account. On the other hand, any hope I had of actually using Twitter to have conversations with the many amazing software engineers that I know is pretty much on hold until the governor is (hopefully) no longer the talk of the moment.”
While Mike Pence the Vice President-elect is a hardcore conservative Christian with a history of anti-LGBT-related controversies, Mike Pence the software developer appears to be the exact opposite. He described himself to NYMag as a “liberal, atheist, ex-Jehovah’s Witness computer programmer,” and “not a bigoted shill for the Republican party.”
He did, however, admit to growing up homophobic and conservative due to his Jehovah’s Witnesses upbringing, which he has since renounced.
“I deeply regret how I behaved toward gay people and how I shunned those who grew to believe differently than me. That is not love, and that is not the kind of person I want to be, nor is it the kind of thinking I want to see in elected officials.”
Meanwhile, the unintentionally-notorious Twitter user @mikepence has gotten his share of support from people who would rather have him in power than the Indiana Governor/Vice President-elect. Users have tweeted calls for the “other” Mike Pence to be Vice President instead, while he’s also gotten sympathetic tweets from other people with far more popular namesakes, such as a user named Chris Brown (like the R&B singer), and even one who is apparently named Michael Bolton.
Still, the confusion is quite understandable, due to the timing of the creation of both Mike Pences’ respective Twitter accounts. According to Mashable, the “not-famous” Pence from Florida opened his account in April, 2007, while the Vice President-elect had opened his two accounts in August, 2008, and February, 2009.
For many people, it wouldn’t be fun to be mistaken with someone who’s very much in the public eye. But for Florida resident Mike Pence, the whole namesake thing doesn’t appear to have affected him too much, even if he did admit to facing some challenges.
so this is really starting to grate on me the more i think about it because it's just wrong grammatically.. one of my friends always refers to me used to being "a jehovah witness" which used to grate whenever she said it but now it seems more correct.. think about it this way: bruce springsteen has fans.
they are fans of bruce springsteen or, bruce springsteen's fans.
but each of them isn't a bruce springsteen's fan.
In proper English grammar the term is "Jehovah's Witnesses" as an organization. In Spanish it's "Testigos de Jehova" (Witnesses of Jehovah).
If a person joins the religion then he or she is "one of Jehovah's Witnesses" or a "Jehovah's Witness".
what is the assembly hall of vídeo jehovahs witnesses organized to share the good news where a man is baptized?.
I understood the question just fine.
But I do not have a good answer.
indoctrinated into all things watchtower, i once believed the bible was true history, that evolution was false and evil, and that the bible could be trusted to be reliable when it touched on science issues.
then i got introduced to the official catholic bible translation of u.s. catholics, the new american bible revised edition (or nabre--not to be confused with the protestant nasv or new american standard version) and things changed.
i was shocked to learn that the nabre teaches.... the creation and flood stories of genesis are jewish adaptations of mesopotamian heathen creation-flood mythology, not history.
I'm sure Galileo, and more so the countless thousands who suffered at the hands of the Catholic Inquisition, would be pleased to know that after all this time the "Mother (F'ing) Church" is finally on the side of science and advancing knowledge. It's just too bad for all those broken on the wheel, garroted and burnt at the stake, stretched and sat on the cleaving horse, whose eyes, nails and tongues were gouged and cut out, who were stripped naked, humiliated and stuck with hot pokers.
It's just too bad and sad, isn't it, that it took five more centuries for the Pope to finally say Galileo was right?
E pur si muove.
so not having turned in a time-slip in a loooooooong time and making fewer and fewer meetings, and from time to time attending a local church service... the majority of local dubs are overtly shunning me.
there are those who i talk to and who visit our home from time to time, but this last meeting i went to hardly anyone made eye contact, when i greeted folks passing by me, they ignored me.
it actually felt good.. i was surprised at my reaction.
So not having turned in a time-slip in a loooooooong time and making fewer and fewer meetings, and from time to time attending a local church service... The majority of local dubs are overtly shunning me. There are those who I talk to and who visit our home from time to time, but this last meeting I went to hardly anyone made eye contact, when I greeted folks passing by me, they ignored me. It actually felt good.
I was surprised at my reaction. I must say that it's a welcome feeling to be ignored. No elders accosting me, asking me to the back room for "counseling" and hounding sessions. Those who've always been close, only a handful, still talked with me.
Who needs the kind of "friends" who depend on guidance from a Regional Convention to decide whether to even tell you a "good-morning" or a "hi"?
So the shunning has started and... so far, I like it!
if you were part of a judicial committee, and knowing what you know now, what was it like for you to sit on jc’s?
how did you feel if someone was reproved or df’d?
were you ever on a jc and you disagreed with someone being reproved or df’d and were overruled – how did you feel?
JC's and kowtowing aren't things I'm proud of. All I can say is that once I woke up all those things sickened me and I had to "step down."
I see the value of continuing on as a mole. But I just couldn't do it. My mouth has gotten me in trouble for "criticizing the Society," "not being loyal to the 0rganization," and being "unyielding" to the local BOE.
My only wish is that I may have been able to wake up sooner than middle age with decades of servitude to a high control religion that only seems to care about money and power over people's lives. By their love "of filthy-lucre" you will know them. I wish I hadn't known them and I regret having been their tool for supporting their control locally, of people that I was close to and spent the most productive years of my life wasting for the benefit of the WT.
i've been curious for a while ... what is it when people type "marked" in their posts?
what does it mean and how does it work?
I also thought that when someone says "marked" it was like saying "this thread interests me and I'll be going back to it to read more".
Also there'e the "bump" which basically just brings that post up on the list of latest topics.
The search on the forum is not something I use a lot, so to go back to a post I just click the favorites/bookmark icon on my browser and keep interesting threads on a bookmark folder of favorite links. And there are quite a lot of nifty, eye-opening, and helpful threads on this forum to keep track of, that's for sure.