Living Translation
So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
i was recently told this by a jw family member when trying to get through to them.
does this quote indicate that maybe such ones have considered that the jw's may not have the truth after all?
or is that just my wishful thinking?
Living Translation
So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
Not mysogyny, the mom turned into a pillar of salt.
North Korea is also very male centric like the b0rg.
just like after decades of memorial partakers declining and now reversed.
this information age might reverse the trend of jw membership.
I think the GB knows the numbers so they have been amassing billions for an endowment strong eggnest to keep the b0rg sustainable.
for the past six months the coordinator's wife has definitely been avoiding me, turning her back or walking away when i walk in her direction, giving me a stare at other times.
if i try to make casual conversation with her, she literally walks away or just looks through me until someone else comes to talk to her.. i can only think of one reason, which is that she may have seen me give a car ride to a disfellowshipped person months ago.
i mean, it would be totally random if she happened to spot me on this one short journey, but it's possible.
This has the unpleasant aroma of rumors being shared about you behind your back.
She just happens to be a very self-righteous WT automaton who deems it her duty to treat you as marked, judged and sentenced with the spiritual capital punishment of shunning.
You've been deemed contaminated and infectious and so she shuns you like a leper.
Here's a shunning antidote:
The best response is to go out of your way to be in her face with pleasant conversation starters every single time you can get within speaking distance of her, and if she's to far to hear you then make friendly gestures of hello, wave madly like you like her a ton, and if she's out of sight, tell others how much you like her and that you're best buddies and just about soul-mates.
This way the coals you're heaping upon her head will burn with the intensity of the fires of Gehenna.
Be happy, be merry and make her life a living hell through kindness. She will hardly be able to withstand the shunning antidote.
organizational accomplishments - building a solid digital foundation.
organizational accomplishments—building a solid digital foundation video will be considered the week of september 11, 2017.
Thanks Bandit, much appreciated your sharing the video. Seems like they are devoting a lot to Tech.
I found it interesting how they slipped in the "Bethel consultants" bit. I wonder how much the purchase of a regional ISP provider helped them, probably quite a lot, and whether these worldly IT folks are a new breed of non publisher bethelite: The Bethel Consultant.
first girlfriend first kisswho was my 1st girlfriend?.
the first girl i took notice of in any real sense of "notice" was a brunette named robbie.. i was in first grade, so i must have been six-years-old.. i had no idea why this particular girl caught my neurons and trapped them.
adolescence was a thousand miles away so it couldn't have been a sex attraction.
Terry, you definitely have a way with words. Thanks for sharing this personal moment from your life. Oh, to be young again!
Your telling of the story is quite vivid and with just the right amount of humor. Kudos!
It's definitely gotten worse and worse and more extremist.
There was little shunning by family members that was observable back in the early 1980's when I started with the cult. Although, publishers wouldn't talk to DF'ed people, family members would, even if they didn't live in the same household.
But over the years, decades now, it's very obvious that the shunning has increased as the WT publishes more and more articles guilting families into shunning DF'ed members.
Will there be a breaking point? Or will this doctrine become even more extremist that it already is?
Saw this on Instagram tagged with #ttatt
i want something different on my next pizza!.
Anchovies! Yummmmmm!
With black olives!!! And fresh tomatoes!!!
i have seen a few comments about the nwt being an altered version of the bible and i must admit that when they released the new one it did not sit right with me.. i want to read the bible but not the nwt.
i also do not want to read one that has the thee and thou and ye etc because that will do my head in.. what translations do you recommend?.
I like the new Jerusalem bible, its very readable!