Babylon the Great was never the False Prophet,
BtG was the World of False Religion in WT speak
paragraph 8 dealing with who is the anglo-american power -- they note different images- feet of clay, 7 headed beast which has a 8th head arise, and so on.
the last image is of the "false prophet- indicating this is another aspect of the anglo american image quoting revelation 19:20 and saying the wild beast and the false prophet are one in the same -(i see the as separate entities) -- a/a dual world power.
which will be destroyed... .
Babylon the Great was never the False Prophet,
BtG was the World of False Religion in WT speak
the amazing exoneration of info sekta in swiss court has finally reinforced the proper way to exit an abusive cult.. never write a letter of disassociation.
- no need to invoke shepherding or judicial action from elders.
make a written, dated statement of your free-will choice to have abandoned the jw religion - secure this document with a friend -a trusted friend (not the jw kind).
you will Sue the Elders for Defamation of Character, the threat, even if you are in fact in no position to Sue, may be enough to get them to back off.
the threat of suing usually just delays the inevitable since the elders will check with the Branch legal dept, but the end is usually the same, if the elders feel brave enough after legal says its up to the elders then the DF announcement is made
at what time would you say that the watch tower schema lost the spirit?.
like the ancient nation of israel which struggled maintaining divine blessing due to a long series of grave errors that eventually culminated in definitive loss... how and when did watch tower lose the spirit?.
can we pinpoint a time or event?.
well, OP your premise is wrong to start
Also I don't see where God's Spirit would be with any man made organization or corporation. Only people, actual individuals are said to be anointed by Holy Spirit.
on bbc radio this morning there was a 20 minute piece on jws and the child abuse cover up.
i am already receiving reaction to it from a number of sources.
it occurred to me - if you were giving ordinary members of the public a steer on how to deal with wt publishers what would you advise?.
How do you deal with Paul's references to the Old Testament Jehovah applying them to Jesus and to make his case that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah?
anyone else get a food box delivered by local congregation to your door - allegedly by the society?
i looked online and found a couple of youtube channels saying the society is taking food from food banks and giving it only to their congregations.
In North Central Massachusetts they gave out fried chicken
we used to use this scripture to show that there was going to be a future resurrection.
but recently i got to thinking about it.
if the apostle paul was right in saying that the righteous on death would be changed in the twinkling of an eye from earthly life to heavenly glory why would there be a future resurrection needed for the righteous?
i wanted to introduce myself.
i am a jew, not ex jw.
as a practicing jew its sad to see hebrew scriptures, distorted and used by non-hebrew people hijacking my bible (jw), then used to justify their pedophile actions.
Well, you certainly seem to know about JW life pretty well, how old is your adopted daughter and how long have you known her?
below is a link to a peer reviewed paper by virologists and vaccine experts birger sørensen and angus dalgleish.
according to the study, which was published in the quarterly review of biophysics, the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted.
to my knowledge, this is the first solid piece of evidence that this pandemic may have been man-made.. (emphasis on "may" --i'm sure this is not the last word on the subject).
What a bunch of bologna!
The truth about the origin of the virus will eventually be quite obvious of course, except to the cospiromaniacs out there.
Quoting a Breibart page always reminds me of an ocean of orange soda!
It's all a Fanta-sea
it feels like we've really turned a corner, this morning especially.. the covid lockdowns are ending and medical systems were not overwhelmed plus there are existing treatments that have been proven to be effective (like hydroxychloroquine) and new vaccines and medicines in the pipeline.
a week or so ago the dems were dead against opening things up but since they are encouraging protests (which often turn violent) they can't continue that stance - thus proving trumps claim that it will soon be gone.
the majority of the deaths were politician-assisted (which i hope people are prosecuted for) so it's not the big risk we were led to believe and (over) reacted to.. the bls reported this morning that the us economy just added a huge number of jobs (most on record) and will undoubtedly benefit even more from a drive to source local production and supply chains going forwards.
hah! what moronic nonsense is being spread bout hydroxychloroquine! the studies are proving it doesnt help and may in fact harm Covid sufferers. why keep spreading fake treatments?