Topics Started by agonus
So has the wt given up on prophecy altogether or what?
by agonus infor decades they've produced massive tomes on their own peculiar brand of wt-centric prophecy, but it seems like the production of prophecy-related material as of late has slowed to a trickle, their last prophecy-related book that i can recall was the minor-prophets book released a few years back.
however that book if i recall was very vague in its exposition, focusing on daily life application rather than eschatology.
and yet the armageddon-end-times-obedience-"generation" drumbeat grows faster and louder with less and less exposition as to how or when exactly any of this is supposed to play out.
The Chickens Coming Home To Roost?
by agonus intalk about irony.... .
malcolm x center grand opening.
the building is a former kingdom hall... no shit!.
Dorky Geeky Gamer Thread
by agonus injust polling: what are some of your favorite classic and/or obscure video/computer games?.
lately i've been having an absolute blast with a pc engine emulator called "ootake.
" if you're not familiar with the pc engine, it was a console that was huge in japan but flopped in the u.s. as the "turbografx-16".
If JWs have the truth, then Satan must be God...
by agonus inok, see if you can follow my logic here.... .
according to the wt/gb/.f&ds, jehovah, the almighty god of the universe, speaks through them and only them.. .
logic and reason, against these challenges?.
A possible explanation for the new "Generation" understanding
by agonus inholy crap, i just realized something!.
could it be that the unusually quickly-replaced "new light" came about as a result of the wt's last explanation unintentionally matching generation 2, then changing it again once they (and countless folks on the internet) figured out it was the same explanation, to save face?.
i mean, is it possible the gb made up the last "new light" completely unaware that it matched the 1927 explanation, then changed it in an oh-shit moment when they realized not long after that they'd already used that one?.
Happy Non-Demoninational Seasonal Well-Wishings
by agonus inseriously, i felt like taking a break from my crustified self to be sincere and positive, if only for a moment.
at the risk of sounding crazy, i do still ask god stuff all the time.
and, more often than not, i believe he/she/it answers me in a way i can understand.. .
Aramaic Peshitta vs. Greek New Testament
by agonus inany scholars care to comment on the authority/primacy of one over the other?.
Look what I found!
by agonus in
check it out at 3:11 (think about the numerical significance).... .
hmmm..... .
The Latest Lie
by agonus inin a recent watchtower, the paradise earth doctrine and its "uniqueness" to jehovah's witnesses is discussed.
i don't have a scan available at the moment but i may be able to obtain one.. .
what i wanted to bring your attention to is the paragraph discussing the bible students' teaching of a "paradise earth" under pastor russell's leadership.