I sums up the whole religion style over substance. Empty and hollow with nothing meaningful to offer.
Posts by nugget
sold ducks today opposite JW cart
by nugget intoday my husband and i sold plastic ducks for the annual duck racing fund raising event opposite a jw cart.
in the 2hour period we sold over a 100 ducks putting our jw training to good use proactively approaching people, overcoming objections and generally wishing people success.
cantleave went round the local businesses selling to the shops and generally was received positively.
Quotes in the Creation book... My article so far...
by ILoveTTATT inhi,.
please review my article (so far) on the quotes in the creation book.... thanks!.
Very interesting read. A good examination that shows how the quotes have sometimes been manipulated to give a deceptive meaning. A very useful exercise. Thank you for your hard work.
If you were on your death bed, what is the ONE thing you would say you have learnt ?
by new hope and happiness ini think i would say " you can not change others you can only change your self" .
if you cant think of anything what is the next number in this sequence?.
what do these sums have in common?.
Life is a lot shorter than you think, live it.
sold ducks today opposite JW cart
by nugget intoday my husband and i sold plastic ducks for the annual duck racing fund raising event opposite a jw cart.
in the 2hour period we sold over a 100 ducks putting our jw training to good use proactively approaching people, overcoming objections and generally wishing people success.
cantleave went round the local businesses selling to the shops and generally was received positively.
Today my husband and I sold plastic ducks for the annual duck racing fund raising event opposite a JW cart. In the 2hour period we sold over a 100 ducks putting our JW training to good use proactively approaching people, overcoming objections and generally wishing people success. Cantleave went round the local businesses selling to the shops and generally was received positively. It was a happy fun 2 hours spent productively. People were supportive of our cause and happy to participate.
We were also inside the store with air conditioning, they were outside in the sun.
In the meantime the JWs manned their cart and in the 2 hour period no literature was taken and they had one conversation in which an elderly lady asked them to take her trolley back to the supermarket. I just don't see the point of it, they talk to one another and even though the area was busy they were invisible to the people around. Even when we pointed out the cart to the person manning the duck stall with us he wasn't even aware of who they were or what they were there for. Jehovah's Witnesses they certainly are not they say nothing, do nothing, represent nothing all they do is pass the time. This is no great shout of praise to Jehovah as suggested by the organisation, the cart was manned by non local JWs so the chances of them coming across people they knew was remote I didn't recognise 3 of the 4 people. It seems like drudgery to me I feel sorry for them.
received text from my mom
by GoUnion inso my wife and my parents are at their convention today.
this will be the first time in my life that i will not have seen a drama or baptism.
i will miss the public address, i will not see many of my lifelong friends that i have moved away from.
It is frightening when you realise how disposable relationshis are within the organisation. The truth is we appreciate people we have been close to and love our families and friends we do not put conditions on our relationships it is the organisation and those controlled by them who do that.
Enjoy the day.
I Need Help Getting My Head Straight.......
by TTATTelder inone of the things i have been wresting with mentally is unraveling the "us vs. them" mentality that has been driven into my skull in the organization.. i am starting this thread seeking advice on how others have come to grip with this.. this is what i struggle with:.
i like the feeling/thought of being among people that live, or try to live, or at least know they ought to live by higher standards of conduct (maybe it is just what i'm used to...).
when you walk out of a convention of people dressed up, clean-cut, shaven, non-smoking, less-profanity-speaking, fairly orderly etc and see what greets you in the streets outside, it is a big contrast.. i am also still trying to understand how a religion that has conned people (so is morally wrong) could also be so well organized and have a lot of truly decent folks among their ranks.
JWs need to be organised because they have to control their members. The dress code provides a veneer of wholesomeness but the people are no better or worse than anyone else. Outside of the convention there are witnesses who are abusers, drunkards, bullies, lazy, stupid and uncaring.
It is marketing pure and simple.
Conversely outside the organisation people are permitted to be open about their tastes, likes and dislikes. Because they are more random it does not make them bad people. As witnesses we were conditioned to think that certain dress styles equated to good people and others to bad people. Dress is just what we wear what we are and do is far more important.
WT Says O.K. To Visit With Disfellowshipped Family Members...Discreetly!
by JW GoneBad indiscreetly!.
that was the word the speaker used to tell jws at the regional convention that when the need to visit or associate with d'fd family members....okay to do so......only discreetly!.
on friday morning in the 6 part symposium entitled 'what must be kept in second place?
The watchtower would probably say that JWs must show discretion when visiting Df'd relatives which has a different meaning.
Discretion means that the strict rules still operate and that only if it was necessary family business would it be reasonable to associate with a DF'd person. Discretion would determine what fell correctly into this category.
What does appear to be different is the idea of visiting Df'd people rather than allowing them to visit the JWs.
Resurrection talk at convention
by innerpeace ini didn't go to the convention but have family who did, all are going on about the resurrection talk, how there wasn't a dry eye in the arena.
and apparently a video was shown too on it.
we lost a family member some years back and they are on fb talking about the resurrection and new world coming soon.
Visited my MIL this weekend (whole other story) she complained that as her son hadn't been able to make this visit that the next time he saw her would be at her funeral. I just said to her " but mum don't you believe you will live forever?" She never said another word about it she is 75 and perhaps like many elderly ones is struggling to believe that she will never die.
need advice
by search4truth inmy spouse felt a need to tell to elders about me reading apostate websites and speaking against wt stuff , so they'll probably try to readjust my apostate thinking any time soon.
my spuse never see me reading anything but, during our arguments i did't keep my mouth shut and she knows that i had to read it somwhere and it wasn't jw.org.
could this get my in the trouble if my spose is the only witness and never spoke to another person about this stuff ?
Before deciding what to do you need to decide what you want. Depending on your desired outcome then things play out differently.
Sadly your wife's response is typical in confiding in the elders. She may have been forced into a corner and divulged more than she intended or she may be worried about your spirituality and sought assistance. However in either case you need to be cautious how much you confide in her in future. Use JW facts and the societies literature in any discussions and ask questions rather than present evidence. She is not ready to contemplate issues with her faith yet and pushing her too hard will create the possibility of her going back to the elders.
If you want to continue to fade then depending on what you told your wife and what she has said then you can do damage limitation. It is natural to have doubts from time to time and you can thank the elders for their concern. You have just been a little overwhelmed by the adjustments that have happened in the last year and are having trouble keeping pace with Jehovah's chariot. You just need a little time to process the information from the organisation and have a rigorous schedule of prayer and personnal study to help you. If you have any questions you know where they are and will contact them. You are sorry if you worried your wife unnecessarily and are extremely grateful for their loving concern.
Flattery and a show of compliance are your best friends in this instance.
Birthday celebration/participation
by Zana inmy wife is considering to let our kids participate, maybe even celebrate their own birthdays.
she says what can be so bad about just giving a little kid (who doesn't yet understand the bible) a day full of joy and happiness?
she herself actually delayed her own baptism as a teenager in order to celebrate one more birthday.
Birthdays are a no no. I know that celebrating certain holidays is definitely a df'ing offence but not sure whether birthdays would be included in this. Certainly no JW would consider celebrating their own or another's birthday or send children to a birthday party.
I personally think if you are withdrawing from the faith then allow your child to attend parties and lead a normal life. In later life he will thank you.