My spouse felt a need to tell to elders about me reading apostate websites and speaking against Wt stuff , so they'll probably try to readjust my apostate thinking any time soon. My spuse never see me reading anything but, during our arguments I did't keep my mouth shut and she knows that I had to read it somwhere and it wasn't Could this get my in the trouble if my spose is the only witness and never spoke to another person about this stuff ? thanks for any advice.
need advice
by search4truth 28 Replies latest jw friends
1. Suck up the counsel and tell them you'll never do it again. Honest.
2. Speak to your spouse to see what she said exactly, then find WT references to back up what you said.
3. Deny everything. Say it is your own thinking. Risk upsetting your spouse.
Then learn to be more cautious.
Could this get my in the trouble if my spose is the only witness and never spoke to another person about this stuff ?
That depends upon the view of the biggest bully on the BOE.
If they want to see you just tell them you mentioned it because you strayed upon a website that you thought was by mistake and was a bit confused that the watchtower(tm) would say whatever it was. Then you realised it was a dangerous apostate(tm) site. How evil those apostates(tm) are to make thier website look like!
You may have to brown nose to them like a good little dubbie.
I second what Splash said. Lay low. Accept counseling. Admit to *some* apostate readings, but not on a regular basis. Above all, never trust your spouse again. Actually, don't trust *anyone* even your closest friends in the congregation. They *will* turn you in. You're not ready yet to take a decisive stand and risk losing your family / marriage.
However, I would be clear to my spouse that turning me in to the elders for "independent thinking" is a serious blow to the marriage; one that I wouldn't be willing to accept if it ever happens again. Fair warning given.
Hi searchfortruth
Can you tell your wife or elders that you got these informations that made you start to doubt on Wikipedia? On Wikipedia are also a lot of critical information concerning WT and Wikipedia is not considered an apostate site.
Only if you can't hide it anymore tell your wife that you found some information on jwfacts that is troubling you about xxx (maybe you know a matter which your wife has doubts too).
When you talk to elders or your wife, try to use questions like. "Honey, I just don't get it why we have to refuse white blood cells because a baby drinks a lot of them in mother's milk.
By the way. Human Rights Art. 19 says:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
You're marriage is the most important thing (I think). So, for the sake of your marriage, you can admit partially (what EdenOne says). You came accross something in the internet MONTHS AGO.
Actually I worry more about the arguments you have with your wife. And that she's talking about you with the elders. That is uhm... not good, my friend. You're fading. Is she your only link with the borg?
No, don't mention jwfacts or any other apostate website.
If you get labelled as an apostate by your wife or elders they will never consider seriously what you say.
Because apostate are just evil.
Well our mariage has been working fine until I've changed my mind about wt crap. I'm trying to fade away but that's not easy in my case. There is teenager involved and he does't believe anything said on meetings only attends because friends and family. I don't want to my kid being brainwashed by some elder after I leave. Most of the stuff I discussed with my spouse could by find in articles on Wikipedia or some newspaper articles are these cosideret apostate material?
Also there are some pro jw websites where things are discussed .
If your teen kid allready has doubts, don't worry about him. Be a friend and when your in private with him, encourage him to follow his heart.
Wikipedia and newspapers are not apostate material.
For an easy fade: don't say anything that might sound apostate to your wife.