The last book of "substance" was the Revelation book. The amount of times they have revised it is beyond ridiculous since their interpretation was proved to be inaccurate. A brochure that says nothing and is mainly pretty pictures does not need revising and avoids embarrasment. It contains nothing but palatable nonsense that is suitable for the masses.
Posts by nugget
one reason for the dumbing down of the org
by Magnum ina lot of us have said that theres been a dumbing down in jw land.
its just not like it used to be especially a few decades ago.
it seems to me that if jw are right and the end of the world is near, the spiritual food should get tastier and more nourishing as time goes on, but it's getting more and more bland and less nourishing.
a sense of responsibility
by Ruby456 indo parents here feel a strong sense of responsiblity for raising their children as witnessess?
an xwitness friend was saying she and her husband feel very bad for having brought up their children as witnesses and they feel they want to make amends but are unable to do so.
what advice would you give them.
As a parent we do the best we can. Sometimes we make mistakes. We were lucky in that it was easy for us to see the harm our faith was doing to our children. It caused us to examine our choices and be open to other possibilities and make changes before lasting damage was caused. If my son hadn't been the way he was we may well have continued as witnesses.
The organisation has spent decades refining their techniques and conditioning and controlling minds, they are very good at it. Trying to extract children who have already been through this process is very difficult especially as everything we do often plays into their hands or is rendered ineffective because of the loyalty to the organisation which is placed above love for family. The organisation is crafty and cunning they know what they are doing. they rely on our better qualities to do their work for them. We are not being beset by amateurs but by professional charlatons. Most of us are new to this but we a gradually catching up.
However the same genetic material that made us also lives in our children. The same issues with the doctrines and policies still exist and will continue to exist. The overlapping generation can't fool everyone forever and the clock is ticking for doomsday. When our children become adults they also take responsibility for their actions and choices. Having parents who have exited and still love them even when they are pompous, cult controlled idiots is the best gift we can give them. We must live life well be available and be ready for who knows what the future may bring for all family still in.
sold ducks today opposite JW cart
by nugget intoday my husband and i sold plastic ducks for the annual duck racing fund raising event opposite a jw cart.
in the 2hour period we sold over a 100 ducks putting our jw training to good use proactively approaching people, overcoming objections and generally wishing people success.
cantleave went round the local businesses selling to the shops and generally was received positively.
I have seen several carts around but never seen any interest or activity around them. However with the high level of not at homes and rejection using traditional methods it is probably comparable to the door to door work.
At least with the carts people are not ambushed in their own homes so that is much better. People have the opportunity to take literature or not, mostly not.
Latest on UK Court Case - Unbelievable!
by skeeter1 injehovah's witness elder denies cover-up at church over 'massaging half-naked schoolgirls'jun 20, 2014 12:53by ciaran jonesdevoted churchgoer mark sewell rejected suggestions his seniority in the barry congregation meant allegations of child abuse would be "swept under the carpet".
mark sewella former jehovah's witness elder today denied massaging half-naked schoolgirls because he knew his church would "cover up" the allegations due to his position.. devoted churchgoer mark sewell rejected suggestions his seniority in the barry congregation meant allegations of child abuse would be "swept under the carpet".. the businessman, 53, denies 10 historic sex charges against girls and women in a period spanning more than eight years.. during cross-examination by prosecutor sarah waters it was put to the defendant that he "took the risk" of massaging topless schoolgirls because he believed his standing in the church would spare him from allegations of wrongdoing.. ms waters said: "what i'm suggesting, mr sewell, is that it was a cover-up and no-one was allowed to talk about it.".
greying sewell, wearing a navy suit over white shirt and patterned blue and yellow tie, told merthyr crown court: "not at all, no.".
Considering JW views on interaction between the sexes I would have thought that any touching of teenage girls was off limits unless the person was a doctor. Certainly they should never have been alone as watchtower literature indicates that temptation will be too great.
The arrogance of this man is breathtaking.
sold ducks today opposite JW cart
by nugget intoday my husband and i sold plastic ducks for the annual duck racing fund raising event opposite a jw cart.
in the 2hour period we sold over a 100 ducks putting our jw training to good use proactively approaching people, overcoming objections and generally wishing people success.
cantleave went round the local businesses selling to the shops and generally was received positively.
We were selling plastic bath ducks for our race so unhappily I am no expert on duck rearing. I do kniw that whilst they rid the garden of snails they are quite messy birds and are no good if you want a pristine garden.
What is the Watchtower's(R) Objective with the APATHY TROLLEY(CART)?
by punkofnice ini wefer to my pwevious fred
if the wbt$ is losing money and drones then why so much apathy surrounding the trolley/cart?.
why are they not being more pro-active with this 'urgent, never to be repeated work(tm)?'.
I can only assume it is a way to get easy hours to throw a lifeline to pioneers and others who are fed up with trudging door to door. The carts are not an obvious witness since their overall beigeness makes them blend into their surroundings. They require no effort or intereaction except the ability to monitor the stand and people passing by. You do not have to man the stand locally so fear of being recognised and approached by someone you know is not a big risk for those who are self concious about their witness status.
They can thus claim they are doing lots of extra activity in their report but in actual fact they are doing nothing.
Disturbing Footnote in Tomorrow's Study Article...
by HeyThere inarticle is basicqlly about families where a spouse is working away from home for an extended period, etc...a foot note says basically that some studies have shown that working away from home can cause serious consequences, such as infidelity, homosexuality, or incest.
pull it up on is what it says.
Working away from home makes you fat not homosexual ask Cantleave.
sold ducks today opposite JW cart
by nugget intoday my husband and i sold plastic ducks for the annual duck racing fund raising event opposite a jw cart.
in the 2hour period we sold over a 100 ducks putting our jw training to good use proactively approaching people, overcoming objections and generally wishing people success.
cantleave went round the local businesses selling to the shops and generally was received positively.
I sums up the whole religion style over substance. Empty and hollow with nothing meaningful to offer.
Quotes in the Creation book... My article so far...
by ILoveTTATT inhi,.
please review my article (so far) on the quotes in the creation book.... thanks!.
Very interesting read. A good examination that shows how the quotes have sometimes been manipulated to give a deceptive meaning. A very useful exercise. Thank you for your hard work.
If you were on your death bed, what is the ONE thing you would say you have learnt ?
by new hope and happiness ini think i would say " you can not change others you can only change your self" .
if you cant think of anything what is the next number in this sequence?.
what do these sums have in common?.
Life is a lot shorter than you think, live it.