I know where you're coming from I sat through the same study (only because my daughter had arranged a play date with a friend from the cong). It was as if they were blind to what they were reading.
When they talked about Jesus rejecting Judas, one sister stated that this showed how we had to be careful with who we associate implying shunning and DFing. But the scripture cited plainly showed that Judas wasn't shunned, he was right there up to the point when he left to carry out the betrayal. Jesus obviously hadn't shunned Judas despite his flaws since when he said "one of you will betray me," they all asked if it was them. They didn't say it must be Judas since the master has been a bit off with him lately.
They talked about how people are rejected by family but find true friends in the congregation. It was all totally self congratulatory. I had a study who came faithfully for months and very few made the effort to get to know her better.
As you said the interpretation of the scripture was bizzare. What I took from the paragraph was that it is the faithful and discreet slave who were given the commission to preach not me a mere belonging. If I help out I am doing them a huge favour. I too felt the lack of direction to charitiable works was a clear ommission. Besides as far as I am aware none of the GB are hungry, lacking shelter or clothing so the potential to help least ones is more significant. Didn't Jesus have a poor box and don't the GB show Judas' attitude when they take all funds donated to the society to make themselves more comfortable. When they do some rebuilding they ask for the insurance cheques from destitute brothers and sisters.
Sorry for the vent but if I didn't then like you I would explode.