Issues around sex abuse are huge. as a charity they have a responsibility to safeguard the vulnerable, their policies around reporting of sin and the JC process do not do this. Whether an abuser is reported to the authorities or not is one of the more serious issues but there is also the mental anguish caused when victims go through the congregations judicial process.
Elders are untrained in safeguarding, counselling or how to deal with victims of abuse this can cause real harm since they are managing a very serious trauma they are totally ill equiped to face. There is no provision for a female to hear the case, the focus is on proof of repentance so a victim can struggle with the idea that they are partially reposible for what happened. The abuser can make false claims such as they were seduced by the other party, that they were willing participants without any checks or balances that the courts would provide. Elders can ask totally inappropriate questions with no one to call a halt to it.
The Candace Conti case highlighted that the organisation feels they have no duty of care for unbaptised minors and that the parents are totally responsible for them. At the same time families that have no spiritual head are encouraged to use the elders to study with their children, children are encouraged to be unbaptised publishers and minors are often paired with other adults in the congregation. The society insists it never happens but in every congregation I have ever been in it does happen.
Whilst the problem may not be as huge as the one faced by the Catholic Church it is still significant. The world has moved on in it's understanding of how organisations have a need to care for those associated with them. The Watchtower organisation is trying to apply the same rules as it did 40 years ago. This makes them vulnerable to prosecution and harmful to those within.