To any who believe the WT is going away, I'd say go back a dozen years or so and read some of the UN-NGO threads. Rumors of the demise of the WT have been greatly exaggerated.
Nobody here wants to read this, I'd say they have adapted nicely in the last few years. Massive reductions in expenses, huge cash inflows from property and now the new building fund. Just notice on another thread a congo send off more than $25k and pledged another $1100 a month until Armageddon, and we all know how long that will be. Not all US/UK congos will go that high, but this plan is a golden goose.
They needed to insitute some sort of tithe, but just not call it a tithe. Send out yearly reminders and the resolutions will creep up in $ amounts.
Membership is another thing, but I think its all about keeping them in, not recruiting outsiders any more. Watch new light flash forth saying people should have more kids in the next decade and they are set long term.