Thank you bandit, you saved my computer from actually having to download that drivel.
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
w14 12/15-E Study Edition
by wifibandit inclick "premium download".
All religions are false, but god is true.
by Domenic ini was a jw for many years.
during those years i learned how to identify a false religion.
all the other religions were easy to prove false.
I’m still standing alone. I am still
a servant of JehovahYou do know thats a made up name, right?
i was happy before i woke up
by losingit inidk if waking up has been good for me.
i still have almost no friends.
im still waiting to graduate this december to qualify n b certified for my job.
Were you truly happy or were things just stable and predictable?
That's my experience. Everything was predictable because I and the family followed the rules and regulations of the WTBTS. But I wasn't truly happy, nor were other members of my family.
And I'm still paying the consequences of failing at being a Witness
This is how a cults operate, make it so painful for someone to leave oftentimes makes them not even consider the possibility of getting out.
Hang in, healing takes some time.
JW Psychology: Feeling Happy, Content and Secured Inside. But Outside?
by ProfCNJ ini am comparing what an average jw feels (who knows nothing about ttatt) to another jw who knows the ttatt.
let's label the first jw as jw-a and the other jw-b.
please feel free to share your thoughts.. it's normal for positive emotions to rise (e.g.
I felt exactly like you did as JW-A before waking up to TTATT. And I'm sure 95% of other JWs do/did as well. So what conclusion does that lead us to? That the WT society programs the troops to think/feel this way, its exactly what they want from those feasting from the fine spiritual provisions they offer.
For them, "works" equals field service 90% of the time. The only other way to show your allegiance to God was cleaning the KH or working RBC. No other charitable "works" mean a thing because they aren't advancing the goals or the bottom line of the WTS.
What can you say to JW-A’s positive feelings of happiness, content and security?
I go back to the old ignorace is bliss saying, they don't think about the deeper issues going on because they've already been given the solution - Armageddon! Most are simply content in feeling they are a special sheep, chosen by Jah to do his work in these last days. Of course they the carrot dangling out there of everlasting life makes things run a little more smoothly if you are an active JW.
I still love Kingdom Melodies.
by POs Son inok, at the risk of getting flamed, i have been out for over 20 years, and still love kingdom melodies.
i remember them for the good times, the conventions and assemblies, hearing the orchestral versions, imagining the orchestra playing.
some pieces were really nice.
I find most of those songs really creepy now that the blinders are off.
Banana Surprise
by VivaVegas ini made accidental but prolonged eye-contact with a single hot sister while she was eating a banana....the banana was fully in her mouth and neither one of us looked away.....are we dating now?
are either of us guilty of fornication??.
I think there is some guidance in Leviticus or Numbers on one of those jacked up bible books.
Probably if you pay off her father you can have your way with her for the rest of your life.
What Happened to the Religion I Left in 1995?
by JoshJeffries injosh here, new to the board.
glad to know this site is here.. i would not be writing this if it were not 2014. i was a ministerial servant and regular pioneer who left the jehovahs witnesses back in 1995/96, around that time.
i left suddenly, didnt fade away, just left when something clicked one day in my head during the morning shower and made me realize this religion wasnt true.
Welcome to the board.
Your post really does prove that doctrine doesn't matter to cult members.
by ADJUSTMENTS inwith the recent post on the jw website of a use of terms disclaimer it seems their so called "greatest campaign in history" may be back firing!!!.
for them to come out so blatantly strong and threatening, basically fear mongering, they have been shaken by something or someone.. hopefully it's us collectively the "great apostate army"... lol.
if your "religion" (cult) was supposedly chosen and run directly by god himself why do you need lawyers and scare tactics???
Put your tin foil hat away dude.
Steve2 put it nicely yesterday on another thread. Every website pretty much has a TOS agreement. Nothing to see here.
by DATA-DOG inaugust 31, 2014, the end of the greatest month of preaching in human history!!
with much hard work and planning, and with jeehoober's blessing, i was able to reach my goal!!
i skipped the entire "uber-special campaign" of advertising for the governing popes!!
Nice job giving Jah your first fruits in August, Data!
May he continue to bless you on into eternity.
by NoMoreHustle inwhile sitting through a dreadful meeting today, while staring into space, i wondered what is next for jw's now that the "greatest preaching campaign" in the history of mankind is over.
what is everyone gonna be obsessed with now?
who knows maybe the annual meeting?
The GB has been on a campaign to keep em busy with anything and everything, mainly as a distraction to keep the troops from thinking about Jesus sitting up on his royal throne for 100 years and not yet producing the royal dump.
Will they try to keep up the pace in 2015? Its going to be pretty hard to keep coming up with historical events, especially since 2015 coincides with exactly nothing. A real letdown may occur in the next few years as more JWs wake up and smell the coffee.