Mmmmm....Vanna White, but I digress.
Yeah, that video sucks. Sucks big time. Did I mention that it sucks?
so i had to see what the hubbub was about.
pointed my browser to the tv site and started watching the streaming video of the prodigal son.. here's my review:.
first, not a lot of dialogue.
Mmmmm....Vanna White, but I digress.
Yeah, that video sucks. Sucks big time. Did I mention that it sucks?
who thought in the early months of 2012 that such a rebranding would take place in only a matter of 24 months?.
they managed to go from an antique looking and boring website ( with hardly any attractive content to go to a fresh looking new website with stuff for everyone, families, children, teenagers.. movies, and short videos about almost everything and new ones added every month.
cartoons, animation video's , interviews, picture activities all kind of projects, many audio files like dramatic bible readings, dramas and music, online research tools, new brochures for kids (off and online) etc.
Conclusion here on this forum reside a bunch of amateurs, the pro's are in Brooklyn, Patterson , Wallkill and soon Warwick
They are ten steps ahead
ROFLMAO! The douche bags that run this religion got their asses handed to them for the first 17 years of the internet's existence (counting from 1995 to 2012). Basically they stuck their scraggly necks in the sand and prayed for Jehoopla to remove the evil interwebs from the earth. Finally the old timers die off and they decide to pull their collective head out of ass and enter the 21st century.
Too late. You can't play catch up with something that you cannot censor. Sure the little cult will sputter on for another century, but the glory days are long, long gone.
I think that if most JWs knew these teachings, they would bail out of WT!
I never knew that the Bible Students continued on for the first 35 years of my life as a JW. That being said, once I started reviewing their teachings, I found them to be just as nutty as JWs. I think 99.9% of JWs would view them as apostates that splintered from the WTBTS, even though it is the other way around.
if so, its amazing that jah's chariot moves slower then satan's and i think we could use this argument to maybe get people thinking.
Most of the churches are liberalizing actual bible doctrine, something JWs will never go along with (gay marriage, female clergy). JW changes are primarily blowing smoke up the collective ass of the Rank and File with the purpose of making them think there is progress, when its just change for legal or monetary reasons alone.
here's my prediction; the gov body giving regular talks will come across as crazy ass idiots.
this will strengthen the opposition and give something to refer too that is concrete evidence of crazy town in the jw headquarters.
there will be screen captures and clips that will be used all the time on youtube accounts to show the ttatt.
It will be watered down Public WT like content.
They don't have the balls of Chuck Russell or even Rutherfraud. They go toe-to-to with nobody in the "world", only mushy platitudes will come out of the online channel.
The nasty stuff comes via the WT study, conventions, and CO talks - and it will stay that way.
announcing the herman cain channel!
i always appreciate your role as a loyal fan of the herman cain show and, and thats why i want you to be the first to know of a special new offering were launching today!
its a brand new venture tailored to people like you who really value the type of premium content and insider information that sets you apart from the crowd.. today, we're excited to announce the herman cain channel!
Yeah, pretty much. As usual, Jah's chariot is way, way late to the party.
But of course JWs will be spouting off in a few weeks how Jah's org invented online streaming TV. Sigh.
so it's rumored started by one member that there is a new pioneer rank called basic pioneer, announced at annual meeting.
can anyone verify this is true?
everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this.
Hmmm, overlapping virgins. May be something to this crazy religion after all!
so two big changes in the org were announced in the most recent agm.. local needs part is replaced by "how do you know the truth" where all members will tell their experience (oh what fun).
basic pioneer role 10 only hours a month required (see, jehovah lightens our load, therefore he loves only us)!.
it seems like they have really turned up the heat here.
millie210, is that on jwtalk?
I don't have an account anymore, but usually you can the the straight news there, along with kool aid comments galore.
so it's rumored started by one member that there is a new pioneer rank called basic pioneer, announced at annual meeting.
can anyone verify this is true?
everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this.
Would like confirmation as well.
If so, I can really see the pressure mounting on the poor rank and file. Instead of turning in their 4-8 hours per month, there will be mounting pressure to get the 10. Congos will be compared against each other, with those with less than 70-80% of basic pioneers being considered 'weak'.
And of course no appointed man would ever fall below 'basic pioneer' status, because that's nearly an apostate!
Fukkin borg, always dreaming up new and inventive ways to steal peoples' time.
Well of course its a business.
But as to GET OVER IT, most businesses don't have their customers under mind control. You can switch products and your family won't shun you for doing so, even if they really love Coca Cola or Budweiser!