In any book workers are "laid off" because there is no work for them because sales are down, business is slow--there is not work.
Excellent description of the WTS business currently.
In Bethel, there is work, and a person can get a job change instead of being kicked out if they want him to stay when the job he was doing is no longer needed instead of getting some new person in Bethel to replace him, that is called firing, asked to leave, getting kicked out, NOT getting laid off.
So its about who you know, how good of a brown-noser you are, or if you are actually worth keeping around because you have a degree, are a lawyer, etc. So the last round of "layoffs" where they sent hundreds out into the field with a "keep warm and well fed" were not actually layoffs, they were firings. OK, that makes it all good.
Try thinking instead of asking stupid questions.
Advice you would do well to apply first to yourself with your idiotic splitting of hairs between layoffs/firings.