JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
Australian Witnesses shock bombshelled!! Arrogant Elders at Commision on Pedophiles!!
by Witness 007 ingetting alot of e-mails from angry brothers saying things like i qoute "this is the straw broke the camels back.." "bloody idiots.." etc.
last nights news featured the australian commision into jehovah's witness elders not reporting pedophiles.
it was very damning!
Oh I'm 100% sure Tight Pants Tony ranted on this because he knew it was coming. The 10/15 article was done for that reason as well, but it will be far, far too late. That's what happens when you use 20th century technology to try to match up with 21st century media channels. Oops. -
Jehovah's Witnesses #10 in Yahoo trending
by TweetieBird ini'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee and opened up the yahoo page to see jw's trending at #10. clicked on it and the first article is about the child abuse.. did something happen lately that would get so many people doing a massive search?.
Saw them at #7 an hour ago, now they are not listed. Hopefully they will be in and out of the list for the next two weeks!
Google doesn't have trending, but they are front and center. A web search for Jehovah's witnesses (or any other topic) will often have news results posted before regular results. This is how google has it right now, so its definitely catching the eye of anyone who googles JWs!
Google news also has all of this stuff front and center. Any JWs who may have set up a news alert on their religion have definitely seen this!
WT Australia Financial Report 2014
by LostGeneration incame across this in the stuff posted by the royal commission.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/downloadfile.ashx?guid=dcb6f401-f19b-4783-b9fb-7fe8bbf620fc&type=exhibit&filename=wat.0009.001.0004&fileextension=pdf.
just downloaded it so i can't comment yet on the financials, would like to have a few of the financial minds on the board take a look and offer any opinions on their financial situation..
Came across this in the stuff posted by the Royal Commission.
Just downloaded it so I can't comment yet on the financials, would like to have a few of the financial minds on the board take a look and offer any opinions on their financial situation.
It's not persecution, it's accountability
by Splash inwell i was loathe to start a new thread on the australian royal commission, but i've been reading in thread after thread how jw's are trying to dismiss what's happening with "it's persecution".. if anyone says this to you, just respond "it's not persecution, it's accountability.
they are being called to explain their procedures, and nothing more.".
persecution is hostility against someones religion.this is not against the jw religion, it's against procedures that jw's champion as being 'the best in the world' when in reality, and with a little analysis are proving to be among the most harmful.
Good reply.
I would even consider wording it as "Is it really persecution...or is it accountability (or common sense)?"
The Australian Royal Commission hearings on the JWs handling of child abuse begins here in the US later today. It will be streamed.
by AndersonsInfo inthe royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
Love, love, love that they are using their own little book against them!
Not that many JWs will see this stuff in its entirety, but might make a few scratch their heads if the press reports on this book in their articles!
The Australian Royal Commission hearings on the JWs handling of child abuse begins here in the US later today. It will be streamed.
by AndersonsInfo inthe royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
Support for the victim - the elder says there were publications in place to help the victim. He is asked again about the accuser not having to face the abuser but he cannot provide any support for this procedure.
He really said this???? Publications are in place to help victims of child sexual abuse??
Update on Royal Commission
by umbertoecho inpaedophiles repeatedly promoted to positions of authority in jehovahs witness church royal commission told.
1 hour ago july 27, 2015 12:45pm.
counsel assisting the royal commission, angus stewart sc has told the royal commission that church elders could now face criminal charges.
I would say only Australia, they wouldn't have jurisdiction over other areas.
Mr Stewart said the church’s own files reveal 1006 allegations of child sex abuse made against church members since 1950 but the Jehovah’s Witnesses dealt with them using “Biblical standards” and not the police.
I wonder how he got access to the files, seems like that is the big problem in the rest of the world, WT just ducks and dodges.
Media headline:Jehovah's Witnesses did not report 1006 alleged sex abusers to police, royal commission told
by fulltimestudent incheck it for yourself: .
not a good look!.
I posted this on another thread, but check google news for "Jehovah's Witnesses".
I see six stories at the top of my feed already, a new one from "The Guardian" just posted. Tons of JWs are gonna see this! Its about time!
I don't think even Tony's little rant earlier this month is gonna prevent JWs from seeing this.
Update on Royal Commission
by umbertoecho inpaedophiles repeatedly promoted to positions of authority in jehovahs witness church royal commission told.
1 hour ago july 27, 2015 12:45pm.
counsel assisting the royal commission, angus stewart sc has told the royal commission that church elders could now face criminal charges.
Wow looks like this cat Stewart was able to get the goods! 1000+ files and not a single one reported to the police! No insurance policy in place, how surprising, damn Watchtower its gonna be a long, long week.
Check your google news feed for Jehovah's Witness! Already multiple abuse stories clogging the top of the page while stupid convention stories move down below the fold.
On a serious note, I'm surprised the GB hasn't rolled out commercial products. I can only imagine the kind of dough they could be rolling in if they put together a $999-a-year home schooling course...I better shut up before they get any ideas.