The craziness can be witnessed at 1:05:20 in this video:
Wow, just wow. You can see when the Commissioner questions him he's basically like "What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!?!?!?" in his facial expression.
this australian investigation is astounding to watch.. the elders clearly don't see child abuse as criminal, if a jw confessed to murder, the police would immediately be called.
yet child rape is a spiritual issue..... ridiculous.. this is what happens when 7 window cleaners lead a bunch of dangerously loyal, ignorant middle aged men ...... in managing 7 million people..
The craziness can be witnessed at 1:05:20 in this video:
Wow, just wow. You can see when the Commissioner questions him he's basically like "What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!?!?!?" in his facial expression.
remember there was a talk about not listening to "false stories" about sexual abuse from apostates on jw's fantasy station?
did the governing body put it out there as preemptive damage control because they knew this was coming?
they must have had subpoenas giving them a heads up.
If we feel troubled about something we see on the Internet, we should ask Jehovah for wisdom and speak to mature brothers about it.
Ok so all you who are still in, print off five or six of these molestation reports then pull the elders into the back room. Lay them out and say the WT advises to speak to "mature brothers" about this troubling information.
(courtesy of reddit ).
Would love to hear if any have come across the "cart babysitters" in the last few days down under...
Talk about sitting ducks!,-july-2015,-sydney.
Just destroyed Kevin on the "process" of having three men hear about a girl getting molested by their father.
Of course, Kevin can't think of any other way it could be improved. What an idiot!,-july-2015,-sydney.,-july-2015,-sydney.
Agree...they are hanging him right now!
Damn it takes a while to get to the point but when they get there the elduhs get hung out to dry!,-july-2015,-sydney.
Starting watching this guy Dino Ali, its like pulling teeth from him to even acknowledge his own notes. Looks like he knows he is basically screwed.
most of you, like me, keep yourself informed as to what's happening in jw-land.
like me, you make it your business to know what's going on.
so i'm wondering why the wtbts is allowing eldubs to appear in these inquiries in australia??
The short answer DD is that these guys aren't high enough on the WT totem pole to have legal defend them.
And by high enough, I mean on the governing body. Remember when the latest court docs in California came out and Losch was supposed to be deposed? Instead he no-showed and the WT had a $10 million judgement thrown at them instead of being transparent about their religion in the US.
getting alot of e-mails from angry brothers saying things like i qoute "this is the straw broke the camels back.." "bloody idiots.." etc.
last nights news featured the australian commision into jehovah's witness elders not reporting pedophiles.
it was very damning!
i'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee and opened up the yahoo page to see jw's trending at #10. clicked on it and the first article is about the child abuse.. did something happen lately that would get so many people doing a massive search?.
Saw them at #7 an hour ago, now they are not listed. Hopefully they will be in and out of the list for the next two weeks!
Google doesn't have trending, but they are front and center. A web search for Jehovah's witnesses (or any other topic) will often have news results posted before regular results. This is how google has it right now, so its definitely catching the eye of anyone who googles JWs!
Google news also has all of this stuff front and center. Any JWs who may have set up a news alert on their religion have definitely seen this!