I'll take the bait and simply say its not in crisis, its how it works. It hasn't been working well for a while, and maybe its finally going to come to a head.
This is the chance everyone has been waiting for to destroy the two party system. Everyone complains about it yet won't do anything about it. Neither party listens anymore to what their base says, they simply are power structures that are out for self survival. Look at the republicans, they have an alternative in two former repubs running on the Libertarian ticket. Yet none have broken rank and endorsed Johnson/Weld all the while they moan about Trump. All they care about is their power structure not tumbling down.
If you're a socialist living in America, then vote Green.
I'm voting libertarian for the first time, and at this point I can't imagine ever going back to the dems or the republicans. The only way they will ever respond is if you take your vote away and give it to the party that aligns with your thinking.