Only a cult could rewrite history like this.
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
IC 2014 talk: "A Century of Kingdom Rule Contrasted With a Century of Satans Rule"
by AnnOMaly ina discussion of this talk on friday morning deserves its own thread.
as i said elsewhere, it was a remarkable one.
the speaker was manfred vencebi (google him - he's a bethel bigwig) and some of his remarks are real gems.
Another PR / marketing website for a JW international convention - this time Seattle
by sir82 inhere is the link:
i would guess this is the wave of the future.
a secondary channel of business revenue for the wts - compensation for recommending restaurants, tours, etc.
I'm sure the nighttime entertainment is for the foreign delagates only.
Though I am amused at the thought of them getting stuck in 4th of July traffic for hours on end.
by Laika ini had my first real birthday party yesterday.
call me an irredeemable pagan, but i was massively excited about this, the whole thing was very special, i got a little emotional and i think my friends must have found it a little strange but it was just nice to be creature worshipped.
when i was a child my parents always used to tell people i didn't miss out by not celebrating my birthday but i did miss out.
Another PR / marketing website for a JW international convention - this time Seattle
by sir82 inhere is the link:
i would guess this is the wave of the future.
a secondary channel of business revenue for the wts - compensation for recommending restaurants, tours, etc.
Happy 4th of July!
Enjoy it in your suits and dresses sitting outside on hard stadium seats for 8 hours a day.
Assembly News Photo
by snare&racket inthis photograph from a news site is a succinct summary of a life in wt's hands....... look at their faces, it says it all.. also, note the watchtower pr machine in action, explaining that it brings 4 million dollars to the location.
(10,000 x 400 dollars) clearly a watchtower statistic, where is the care and interest for members who are struggling so much, with new videos encouraging less career activity, less work commitments, at an all time economic low for our generation..
father: "i'm a wt 'yes' man and proud of it!
They don't jam the venues very full these days, JWs need space for all that shit they have to bring into the site.
New DVD review
by Laika ini managed to catch the new dvd on youtube last night before the inevitable takedown.
as a film i felt it wasn't anywhere near as good as the prodigal movie, the story wasn't as dramatic, the characters much less interesting and developed and the direction weaker.
i found the prodigal relatively entertaining (all things considered) this one was just dull.. here are some of my random thoughts anyway [spoiler alert - ha!].
Ok, I watched yesterday as well.
The "climax" as described above was just idiotic. Basically the comparison was getting drunk and killing someone = leaving the b0rg. They kept on and on and on with the "your choices affect other people". Hidden message, "You can't leave the b0rg or you won't have a family ever again"
Also right before this part, daddy tries a last ditch effort to get Marcus back into the b0rg. Instead of meeting any of the objections the son has, daddy's solution is Marcus should just go to meetings, in serve-us, and attend family worship "full force" for six months. All they have is desperate re-indoctrination ploys these days. Nothing else.
Also this was brought up in Reddit, the magical negro angle.
As usual, its kinda hilarious to see how they dress up the JWs to look like 'worldly people'. Just doesn't work.
The resolution was ridiculous as well. Here is a guy working tons of OT, and who has his wife at work. Suddenly he sits down and works out a budget in the backyard where they can suddenly "make it" on his income alone, and wifey will get to go in serve-us more. This was before any discussion of selling the house. Pretty amazing how in JW land you can cut your income in half suddenly and everything works out!
This new JW video is so stupid that it has to be a troll
by Pacopoolio inrecently, my mother, who had stopped talking to me because i was 'apostate,' started speaking to me again.. (note that i successfully faded as opposed to ever being disfellowshipped due to dodging every elder question with "i'm not sure, i'm still searching and trying to find the answers.").
the reason why?
at the international convention this year, they receieved a new video called something or other.
Wow. I feel a little woozy now, having subjected my brain cells to that. I hope they will be ok.
Lemme go have a drink, or three, and then I'll comment on the lowlights.
What is the JW Mindset?
by losingit inis it based on gullibility, naivete, the ability to suspend all logic and reason in order to hold onto fantasized "realities" of a paradise earth where all humanity will be perfect, where all wars and violence will cease?
is it a personal preponderance to the extreme-- whether it be in judgmentalism, cruelty, rigidity, negativity, and/ or righteousness that lends itself to extreme closemindedness and shortsightedness?.
how do you define it for yourself?
I think the JW mind is influenced and conditioned by fear and greed.
All of the paradise stuff is pure and simple greed. Its all about getting anything and everything that the JW wants, but cannot have right now. Its all hung out there for them in pretty pictures and in their minds' eye. I really think that 95% of them don't really consider the massive slaughter that will have to occur before they get their own personal petting zoo and endless fruit platters. It reaches to one of the most appealing ideas a human can have, that of getting something for nothing.
The fear part is made up of several components, some are very small - keeping the JW in line from day to day. These might be fear of getting caught doing something small by a family or congregation member, and being hauled into the back room. Putting down a small number on their FS report, and being thought of badly by the elders. Buying the wrong type of car for FS and being judged.
Up a notch is the real fear of being kicked out, DFd for a more serious sin. This leads to cover ups, lying, etc.
And then of course the WT uses the big stick, fear of getting killed by Jah at the big A. How horrible if you are killed off while your friends and family make it through.
I think the combination of these fears short-circuit any sort of questioning or reasoning on JW doctrines and behavior within seconds of it entering the mind.
Church of Scientology Phone Call
by OnTheWayOut inso my sister is in a nursing home with dibilitating disease.
i forwarded her mail to my home when she went in.
otwo: you don't need to know anything about me.
Nice response there OTWO!
That is some serious record keeping there, I can't imagine keeping 25 year old RVs!
by free2beme inas the conventions are in full swing, and my relatives who are still in make a point to tell me what their vacation will include.
i am reminded of a couple of things about conventions i do not normally think about.. one, the people who would protest the conventions.
some with bags on their head, others just holding signs.
I haven't seen protesters since I was a teenager, which is two decades ago. Of course I haven't been to a DC at all in five years.
There was a thread recently with some Pastor in Arizona doing the protesting thing, he pretty much looked like a fool.
But more then anything I would like to be a fly on the wall to see how they are explaining 2014 and this being 100 years since 1914. I know my relatives are having a hard time swallowing that pill and wanting answers and burned out. I also know they will be willing to accept any answer that is given.
As far as this goes, they are simply following the Nazi playbook and owning the lie in a bigtime way. I thought they would be silent about 1914 but they are playing it up like its some big accomplishment, reminding the troops that its been 100 years of Kingdom rule.
When you have captive sheep who can't think outside of their little box, you can pretty much say anything and it will be accepted without question. Hopefully a few are waking up to the bullshit as we speak, and will find their way out in the next year or two.