However, there were some problems with this explanation.
Pretty much sums up WT writings for the last 140 years!
so this may 2015 study edition...i know you guys have talked about it already, but wow.
this is classic.
mostly i like to revel in the presentation of these changes.
However, there were some problems with this explanation.
Pretty much sums up WT writings for the last 140 years!
the new ldc / rbc.
there are many requirements, but when you get to the end of the form.
Be ready to stay up to six months????
These guys really are smokin a jehoobie-doobie if they think they can have an unpaid, on call workforce six months at a time!
If you want to see the truth on how these people think, print out a few articles from
When you go over to their house to meet them, whip out the printouts and state you have a few questions about their religion. They will freak out like you are an agent of Satan.
Then dedide if you want to get mixed up with these people for the rest of your life.
credit goes to mike & kim.. .. .
.. .. atlantis!.
Culty, culty, culty.
The KM reminders section is bad enough, didn't the brain trust up there suggest it was un-Christian to wear shorts when you check into your hotel a few years back?
Stuff like this just helps wake up more of the slumbering masses. Good job, Brooklyn!
so today's wt seems to put out the idea that during early christian times it was god's hand that made the romans build roads, have strong laws, etc.
to make the preaching easier.. anyone else notice that?
some here really banged on about how great it was that god did that, just for them.
Is that the WT that talks about how "peaceful the world has been" since WW2 so that the JWs have been able to preach without interference?
You know, so much peace because we are in the last days where there is so supposed to be constant war? Its like nobody edits this stuff anymore.
i stole this, from of all places, rick fearon.
i don't know who he stole it from.
please think of more.. things i trust more than the jehovah's witnesses governing body+ the media+ mexican tap water+ cappuccino from bill cosby+ a bigfoot sighting+ a politician who says "trust me"+ an al qaeda who wants flying lessons, but skips landing and take-offs+ a hillary clinton war story+ bill clinton wanting to give a speech at an all-female school+ gas station sushi+ a brian williams or bill o'rielly news report+ email from a nigerian prince.
yep, these gems and comments were used in the talk today:.
speaking of ones who "failed to show appreciation for all the rich spiritual food we get from the f&ds", the speaker said this:.
"many have even failed to keep up with everything we are lovingly provided by christ's brothers, and rather than keeping their faith strong, they have become complacent and even critical ofjehovah's provisions!
Fear tactic. Its all they have. Their doctrine is shit, their prophecies have failed miserably. Their leaders look like ass clowns spouting off about spanx, yoga pants, or whatever the hell he is trying to imply.
All they can do anymore is point at those who leave and slander them all as "unhappy". Like the Nazi - tell a lie, make it a big lie, and keep repeating it.
this week has been the week when my whole way of thinking shifted.
i still cannot believe how this can happen so fast.
over a period of seven days i went from not even imagining that i could ever not be a witness to wanting to get out of this organisation.. .
Paradisebeauty - Congrats on waking up to the deception and lies of the WTS. Others have already stated it, but right now you are in an extremely emotional and vulnerable position, so its best to do nothing. Its always best to operate from a position of strength, though that is very difficult even in the best circumstances because of the power structure of the cult.
Take a few months, absorb it all. Think about it and your situation. Then make your move.
what would be your plan or ideal reason the walls came crashing down?
Just forget about it.
Get out. Live your life.
Its great outside the walls of the asylum.
has anyone else seen the hbo scientology documentary 'going clear' - wow...cults are just mind-blowing you wonder how people can fall for that garbage, then you (those of us former/fading jws) look in the mirror.. i would love for someone to make a major jw documentary like this.
'going clear' is getting a lot of press.
poor tom cruise...he looks like quite the whack job in it too.
If you have a spouse who you are trying to get out, you absolutely must casually get them to sit down and watch this program with you. Carefully watch their reaction if possible for possible talking points to use in the future.
I'm surprised too OneEyedJoe that your wife didn't pull some of the similarities. The section at the end where they talk about disconnection (Scientology version of DF) should cause any JW to feel extremely uncomfortable.