What is your goal of the letter? To actually get them to explain their stance? Because they won't.
There aren't any scientific brains at WT HQ. Just cultists. Expect a cultist reply, if any.
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
What is your goal of the letter? To actually get them to explain their stance? Because they won't.
There aren't any scientific brains at WT HQ. Just cultists. Expect a cultist reply, if any.
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Amazing advice from all of the posters above, lots of techniques to consider.
Don't let her bully your into DAing. Its just time to hang up the phone when she crosses the line. Define the line, the second she crosses simply say nicely that you will not tolerate that kind of talk, and hang up the phone.
What's the worst thing she will do? Stop calling? Im sure you can live with that.
october 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
Its like its not even fair anymore, JW.org is using a 67 Volkswagen Bug trying to keep up with the modern day Ferrari that is the internet.
That said, it really shows the absolute lack of brainpower up there. Who is calling the shots on this one? They have a mole, trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube isn't going to work in a million years.
i'll try to keep this short.
my experience at the hall is elders not really engaging in friendship building communication with anyone.
the only time they really communicate with you is to counsel you or tell you where you need to make adjustments.
Ex elder here as well. Was absolutely shocked at how critical the tone was behind closed doors when "problem" publishers came up for discussion. Also when it was time for appointments to be discussed a list with publisher names and "average hours" were the only two columns considered. 95% of the discussion was on whether the hours met the 10 hour cutoff, and "visibility" in the hall was second place. Some spiritual paradise.
But like Wasanelder, it didn't take me long to figure out I just wasn't a "fit" for the good ole boys club.
i just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
Sorry to hear, Min...Hang in there.
more ikea catalogues were printed last year than bibles.. ikea is a swedish flatpack furniture store..
a few weeks ago my deeply indoctrinated father who is a long time elder was wondering why we hadn't been attending meetings, and why my 8 yr old son wasn't on the theocratic school ( sounds like i almost off the hook with that one...lol).
we live in a different state, but i came to find out that one of the elders in our hall called my father, who he never met, to see why our meeting attendance had been so sporadic (i am in my mid-40's, so that knowledge made my blood boil, to put it mildly!
i tried not to answer, but he kept pressuring me, so i brought up the arc and child abuse cases i had heard of in our area.
I feel for you.
Those long time elders, who have spent their whole life in the cult have absolutely no perspective on the rest of the world and how it operates. My dad is in the same boat, lives and breathes Watchtower and pioneers along with his wife now that he is retired. They are in bubble wrap concerning the real things happening to the Watchtower, its frustrating as hell.
i'm just watching this video.
now bare in mind this guy has never been a jehovah's witness so he has no investment in this cult.. https://youtu.be/_ry-onhbkya.
i'm just watching this video.
now bare in mind this guy has never been a jehovah's witness so he has no investment in this cult.. https://youtu.be/_ry-onhbkya.
An hour and a half long?
You're gonna have to give me the cliff notes, the NFL is on today
i've always wondered about this.
i've always felt the main reason the borg made publishers do time slips/field service reports was to show that they are doing a community service to justify their tax exempt status.
we all know about their money grabs with the kh build scams, their selling off millions of dollars in real estate, etc.
FYI if you do want to complain to the IRS about WT activities, follow this guide: