Midweek meeting and Weekend meeting??
Wow, the brain trust up there in Brooklyn keeps on inspiring!
october 14, 2015 .
re: signs announcing meeting times .
Midweek meeting and Weekend meeting??
Wow, the brain trust up there in Brooklyn keeps on inspiring!
my husband was recently subjected to an intervention by his parents.
i am apparently a danger to his spirituality.
after i stopped attending meetings and went apostate hubby decided to resign as a ms to spend more time with me.
Sounds like a good dude!
there is no end to their madness.
the co gave a talk on inspired error.
i have never heard of it.
More language manipulation.
I remember when I was on the way out the pioneer meeting had a theme of "Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities." So what you can see, hear, feel, touch and see out there is all fantasy. What is invisible in the heavens and will never, ever come to the earth is reality. Idiots.
we had another letter read this week from the 'slave' that asked for more money again.. it asked for a resolution to be passed by all congregations in support of the circuit overseer to pay their expenses and medical expense was included in there.. a resolution was put on the floor and voted upon and agreed by show of hands that our congregation would send over $2,000 for the year 2016.. the society broke it down to how much it would be per year for each publisher but i do not remember what they suggested.. i was glad i was listening in and not present this week because it would have been obvious i did not support the resolution because my hand would not have been up when the attendance took a count.. has anyone here also had the letter read at their service meeting this week?.
more humblebragging seen via instagram and facebook lately from people coming home from pss.. using hashtags for the usual "feeling blessed", "what a great privilege", etc., while pictured in some nice tailored dresses that are quite ostentatious actually.. anyway, what do they teach at pss these days?
just curious..
its funny how different i look at things now.
i look back at myself when i was going to meetings and remember being so judgmental.
maybe it was just me but peoples views and opinions really rubbed off on me.
Judgement is the hammer they use in that religion to control everyone. Some kid gets a weird haircut or a young lady has a short skirt on and next thing you know the other parents pull their kids away because of "bad association". A man takes on extra work to feed his family and misses meetings, next thing you know his family doesn't get invites to social events.
Add to that everyone is a narc, any trouble at all that crosses the millions of lines that are drawn by leadership and an elder is called, backroom questioning ensues. Its a sick, sick culture to be a part of.
i have a confession to make.
a strange urge is building in my brain... each time i see a jw literature cart on the street it builds.
it is becoming a stronger and stronger thought in my mind.
A little extreme, would feed their persecution complex.
How about standing five feet in front of them with a JWfacts.com sign? Would love to see them pack up and leave, especially the ones that pitch an awning there with fold up chairs.
there were several families that were visiting my mom today and i was sitting in and just listening to all of them talk..
they started talking about the recent shooting at the university.
and its so easy for them because all they have to say is;.
Ironic statement - Jehovah is going to put an end to all of that. (By murdering billions himself instead)
You are correct, the carrot is very real in their minds, the WT wants it that way. Even recent articles telling the troops to meditate on the paradise shows they want them under that illusion.
One of my fave posters who moved on (LeavingWT) used to say something like this when people would complain about not being to wake up friends/family members (loosely quoting here): "You are competing with everlasting life in a paradise earth, what do you have to offer?"
It really shows how if a person actually believes this is going to happen, you don't stand a chance.
my parents were always of the belief that, "the end is right around the corner".. i was a zealous kid, with a learning disorder, so my parents never gave me a hard time or pushed me in regards to my education.. this not only hurt me, but, pissed me off insanely.
fast forward to me having my own kid.
ava is not doing well in school.
You could be overdoing it, but only you will know after watching her for a week or two.
You're giving her a boost right now, think of it as temporary as it probably will be. Agree with the idea of getting her to the point where she is equal to her peers and she will enjoy the day a lot more.
You're a good Mom!
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
What is your goal of the letter? To actually get them to explain their stance? Because they won't.
There aren't any scientific brains at WT HQ. Just cultists. Expect a cultist reply, if any.