Thanks Vanderhoven7 for the interesting and useful quotes!
JoinedPosts by Wonderment
Fascinating Quotations of The Faithful Slave
by Vanderhoven7 indo you have any amazing quotations that have been produced by the faithful slave over the years?.
remember it's important that we should learn to love and value truth for it’s own sake; to respect and honor it by owning and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomever presented.
a truth presented by the faithful slave himself is just as true as a truth stated by god.. share some of those amazing quotations that have fascinated you.
Which Bible Translation.....
by BoogerMan the best, in your opinion?.
out of the numerous translations i've had/used, i can honestly state that the 2001 translation is head & shoulders above all the others i've ever consulted, imo.
the publishers even invite suggestions/corrections to be submitted.
dropoffyourkeylee: "The WT produced and still has (on their app) a Greek Interlinear, but they have never produced a Hebrew Interlinear."
I once asked Albert Schroeder if the Society had any intention in producing a Hebrew-English Interlinear, and he responded at the time by saying that there already was an excellent H-E Interlinear on the market. He was referring to the NIV Hebrew-English Interlinear Old Testament.
But I suspect that Schroeder was justifying their lack of interest in producing their own WT Hebrew Interlinear since he hinted at the same time that the Old Testament was less of an area of controversy than the more ubiquitous and popular New Testament.
Some may conclude the Society does not have anyone capable enough to tackle a Hebrew-English Interlinear, but I don't think this is the real reason for the lack of one. Actually, if history is any indication, when the Society sets their mind to it, they will find the way to get it done. The WTS recently published the COMPLETE NWT in modern Hebrew. This is no small task, and a rare one I might add, since there is only a small number of Witnesses in the land of Israel.
Watchtower tweaks "religion" out of Samaritan parable
by Wonderment inthe watchtower writing staff often tweaks the application of a scriptural lesson to their benefit.
this can be seen in this recent article of theirs: .
first, in their explanation of the parable, they do mention "religion" in the original setting (bold letters below): .
The Watchtower writing staff often tweaks the application of a Scriptural lesson to their benefit. This can be seen in this recent article of theirs:
What Does It Mean to Be a “Good Samaritan”?
First, in their explanation of the parable, they do mention "religion" in the original setting (Bold letters below):
Jesus told the story to a man who thought that only people of his own race and religion were his neighbors. Jesus wanted to teach the man an important lesson—that he needed to expand his concept of “neighbor” to include more than just his fellow Jews. (Luke 10:36, 37) This account was included in the Bible for the benefit of everyone who wants to please God.—2 Timothy 3:16, 17.
But then, when they apply this parable to the modern setting, they make a slight adjustment in their explanation, like so:
The story teaches that a good neighbor demonstrates compassion by action. He or she responds to the needs of a person who is suffering—regardless of that person’s background, race, or nationality. A genuine neighbor acts toward others as he would like to be treated himself.—Matthew 7:12.
The WT left the word "religion" out in the application of the illustration. Coincidence? Hardly! It's like they would rather not have their followers be "compassionate by action" to members of another faith, that is, to expand the concept of “neighbor” to include other religious people.
What's your take on this?
Virtuoso classical duo guitar performances
by Wonderment in“nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, save perhaps two.” — frederic chopin.
that said, here are a couple of classical duo guitarists at their best.
both guitar duos play with distinguished musicality:.
Queeqweg: "Thanks, I know Julian and John, but I'd never heard of Los Indios Tabajaras."
The Brazilian Duo, Los Indios Tabajaras, were best known for their hit "Maria Elena" during the 1960-1970's. They mostly played pop music, but they also excelled on classical music, as manifested by their rendition of the two pieces above.
Classical guitarists, Andrés Segovia, David Russell, & Manuel Barrueco are also known for their musicality, among others.
Virtuoso classical duo guitar performances
by Wonderment in“nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, save perhaps two.” — frederic chopin.
that said, here are a couple of classical duo guitarists at their best.
both guitar duos play with distinguished musicality:.
“Nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, save perhaps two.” — Frederic Chopin
That said, here are a couple of classical duo guitarists at their best. Both guitar duos play with distinguished musicality: (Claude Debussy, Reverie, Part 6, by Julian Bream & John Williams - Together Again, Sony LP-1979) ("Varizione concertanti, Op. 130, by Julian Bream & John Williams - Together Again, LP_1974.) ("Gypsy Airs," Brazilian Duo: Los Indios Tabajaras. LP_1970 Recording.) Don't miss the final movement! ("Flight of the Bumble Bee," Brazilian Duo: Los Indios Tabajaras. LP_1966.)
Any opinions?
The Emphasized Bible - Now included in WT LIbrary
by Wonderment inthe emphasized bible (rotherham) is now included in the wt library under "other bibles.".
therefore it joins kit, kjv, asv, & the bible in living english in such group.. any thoughts?.
The Emphasized Bible (Rotherham) is now included in the WT Library under "Other Bibles."
Therefore it joins KIT, KJV, ASV, & The Bible in Living English in such group.
Any thoughts?
The Holy Spirit
by Acer21 inif the holy spirit is an "active force", how can it be grieved (ephesians 4:30)?.
in other words, according to the jw's, one can make jehovah's "force" sorrowful?
this is an example of how the jw leaders have perverted the gospel in translation, and have put the jw's in a position in which they must perform intellectual gymnastics in order to maintain their false position.
It should be noted that the relative pronoun "ho" in the dative as in Ephesians 4.30 can be either masculine or neuter since they share the same form. However, the antecedent "the spirit, the holy" is in neuter, so the pronoun should be interpreted as neuter. Hence, the "which" instead of a "whom."
The Holy Spirit
by Acer21 inif the holy spirit is an "active force", how can it be grieved (ephesians 4:30)?.
in other words, according to the jw's, one can make jehovah's "force" sorrowful?
this is an example of how the jw leaders have perverted the gospel in translation, and have put the jw's in a position in which they must perform intellectual gymnastics in order to maintain their false position.
Acer21 wrote: "The Bible provides many ways to help us understand that the Holy Spirit is truly a person—that is, He is a personal being, rather than an impersonal thing. First, every pronoun used in reference to the Spirit is “he” not “it.” The original Greek language of the New Testament is explicit in confirming the person of the Holy Spirit. The word for “Spirit” (pneuma) is neuter and would naturally take neuter pronouns to have grammatical agreement. Yet, in many cases, masculine pronouns are found (e.g., John 15:26; 16:13-14). Grammatically, there is no other way to understand the pronouns of the New Testament related to the Holy Spirit—He is referred to as a “He,” as a person."
You make it sound like the Bible speaks of the holy spirit throughout. Not so. Please show us ONE text where it clearly states that the spirit of God is a person. Secondly, it is not correct to claim that "every pronoun used in reference to the Spirit is ‘he’ not ‘it.’" Actually, the Bible uses "which" or "that" in reference to the spirit. Take the text you quoted that leads you to believe that the spirit is a person, Ephesians 4.30. There it mentions the spirit being grieved, with or by WHICH (Greek: ho = neuter) Christians are to be sealed. Note that Paul used "which" not "whom." However, some popular translations show their religious bias by changing "which" to "whom." Logically, if Paul believed the spirit to be a person, he would have used "whom." Since the spirit emanates from God, Paul could well warn Christians not to grieve the work of the spirit within the congregation which is tantamount to grieving God himself.
The exception of the above being John 15.26 and 16.13-14 which you noted. There Jesus personified the holy spirit as "a helper" to assuage their fear of being left alone after his departure. Jesus himself explained a few verses later that he spoke about the paraclete using a parable or comparison. Look at John 16.25.
By the way, a Catholic publication lays claim that ‘the doctrine of the holy spirit being a person had its beginning in the Catholic church,’ not in the Bible.
A word of encouragement to those who post serious stuff
by Wonderment ini want to send a word of encouragement to all those posters who month after month submit intriguing.
biblical subjects with a positive note.
posters such as slimboyfat, earnest, careful, among others are a bright light in this forum.
I want to send a word of encouragement to all those posters who month after month submit intriguing
biblical subjects with a positive note. Posters such as Slimboyfat, Earnest, Careful, among others are a bright light in this forum. They are not the only ones though, so all those of you who write good serious material deserve kudos. Anyone who submit articles to make people feel better should be commended for it.
NWT released in modern Hebrew
by Wonderment inon february 21, 2020, the wt society made the announcement in their website of the release of the new world translation in modern hebrew (hebrew scriptures - "tanakh") in haifa, israel.
now, the complete nwt is available in modern hebrew.. some time ago, a poster here said that releasing (in theory, i.e.
) the hebrew bible in a modern version, such as the nwt, would be irrational.
One of the posters here mentioned the modern Hebrew Bible RAM. Well, this Hebrew Bible created a lot criticism in Israel a few years back (starting around 2010, i.e. See links below). Critics mentioned that if its use became widespread, the fear of losing the Hebrew culture was certainly a serious concern for Israelis. Another concern was that the introduction of this Bible would somehow water down the Sacred Text's message.
If this Bible, done by ONE individual, created such a stir back then, you can imagine the impact the newly released NWT in modern Hebrew (by a questionable? religious organization) will create in their country. It already has on this side of the ocean. A few posters on this website have already criticized it to their hearts content. Wait until Israelis find out that their dear Sacred Text has been "tampered with" by a controversial religious organization from the West. I imagine their reaction would be similar to the one in Greece when the NWT was published in modern Greek some time ago, where the Greek Orthodox Church went nuts with it.