JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
CLAM Instructions - They are irresponsibly stupid
by Listener inthere will be three presentations during the new christian life & ministry meeting.
they will be presented by two people and the gb has made specific instructions as to who can be involved in these presentations.
in all 3 presentations the same explicit instruction is given which is as follows -.
Priority #1 Make sure no brothers used this new arrangement to get laid -
Sad Reality...
by JW_Rogue in...is that most jws don't know anything about the financial news that is happening right now.
sure it has trickled down to the elders and those who volunteer for construction but the average jw has no idea.
no one in my hall has said a thing about it.
...is that most JWs don't know anything about the financial news that is happening right now. Sure it has trickled down to the Elders and those who volunteer for construction but the average JW has no idea. No one in my hall has said a thing about it. I'm sure I'll hear about how the new mid-week meeting is a blessing though and how we must be close to the end because the GB are preparing us more than ever to preach. It may feel good to fantasize that the whole org will implode and everyone will be free but it's not going to happen. It is clear that this org is not going to give in ever, there is only one way out and each person will have to decide for themselves if it is worth it. -
I have found a new Anthem for us ExJW's - Defector by Muse
by cantleave infreeyeah, i'm freefrom your incitingyou can't brainwash meyou've got a problemfreeyeah i'm freefrom societyyou can't control mei'm a defectoryou think you're strong and you can't be brokenbut your empire is dissolvingyou thought, you thought i was weakbut you got it wronglook into my eyesi'm a defectorfreeyeah, i'm freefrom your incitingyou can't brainwash meyou've got a problemfreeyeah i'm freefrom societyyou can't control mei'm a defectoryour blood is blue and your mind is turned greenand your belly is all yellowyou believe your throne is too high to be overthrownwe'll watch it get razedby a defectorfreeyeah, i'm freefrom your incitingyou can't brainwash meyou've got a problemfreeyeah i'm freefrom societyyou can't control mei'm a defectori'm a defectorfreeyeah, i'm freefrom your incitingyou can't brainwash meyou've got a problemfreeyeah i'm freefrom societyyou can't control mei'm a defector
I always thought "The Grudge" by Tool was pretty fitting. Also, "I Don't Wanna Be Here Anymore" by Rise Against although it's not really about religion is a great one for those still trapped. -
Participate In The EX-JW Personality Test!
by C0ntr013r infirst of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
INTJ Assertive - I've taken this test quite a few times and always come up with that. I always liked plenty of alone time to think on various ideas and scenarios. It always seems like other people are more into friendships than myself. Of course that could be because JW friendships are somewhat superficial. -
Today's meeting & WT 7/2015 study "Work to enhance the spiritual paradise"
by Mrs. Eden inso, much against my inclination, i went to the meeting this sunday morning.
just starting to fade, but i needed to do it so that it doesn't look like my hubby turned my head during last week's vacations.
since i'm not just disappearing cold turkey, i went.
Not sure if anyone else caught this but in one of the paragraphs on changes in org they admit that there was no GB before the 1970s and most decisions were made by the President. Pretty powerful stuff if you think about it. That would mean that in 1919 the FDS was basically just Rutherford. Unbelievable, yet most JWs don't even really think about the articles they just know it is the truth and that's that.
I also like how they talked about speaking with older ones who had seen these changes and how their faith was strengthened. However, there are probably many older ones whose faith was not strengthened and who instead decided to leave the org. Shouldn't we also talk to them then to get the full picture?
TV.JW.ORG (September 2015) - Generation explained again
by Designer Stubble inguess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
No amount of explanation can make it work. They are changing the meaning of the word Generation and coming up with a new meaning arbitrarily. It sounds like they are setting up another false end date. That will get some excited again but will push others farther away. -
I was a kid when we studied this but even then I thought it was strange that Satan would come back again. Didn't Jesus already prove that a perfect man could remain sinless? In my mind I thought why would anybody join Satan after 1,000 years of Paradise? You would have to be pretty dumb, yet in the pic there were more people on Satan's side than God's. -
August Study WT "Prepare Now to be a Good Little Drone in the New Order"
by JW_Rogue ini thought paradise was supposed to be a delight?
not according to the august study wt, on page 20 paragraphs 4-12 it outlines how much paradise will be exactly like being in the org today.
still following rules, waiting on jehovah and obeying those taking the lead.
It's all false but I still like to look for flaws in the logic. -
August Study WT "Prepare Now to be a Good Little Drone in the New Order"
by JW_Rogue ini thought paradise was supposed to be a delight?
not according to the august study wt, on page 20 paragraphs 4-12 it outlines how much paradise will be exactly like being in the org today.
still following rules, waiting on jehovah and obeying those taking the lead.
Don't forget that the Elders are the prophetic Princes in the land so I'm sure they'll get first pick. I remember when they came out with that at a DC back in the day. Didn't really make sense to me at the time. If this is Jesus thousand year reign and new scrolls are being opened, could he not just lead us directly? Now I get it though it was just a ploy to make the Elders feel more important while they carry out their mundane middle management activities. -
The Witnesses, prestigeous & derogatory titles.
by The Rebel inin egland we give " deserving" & " high flyers" titles.. this morning i was thinking i should have named my son president.
i am sure it would have given him a great advantage in latter life.. so my questions:-.
do you think when a publisher becomes a " ministerial servant" or an "elder":-.
What's funny is people will work for these titles even though it doesn't benefit them in any tangible way. The opposite is also true to avoid being looked at negatively people will also work to make sure they don't fall into the "spiritually weak" category. I also find it funny the way everything is considered a "privilege", really cleaning the convention site is a privilege? In what world.