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Post Songs of Rebellion, Change, Peace & Love - You-tubes Welcome !
by flipper in.
Attention Lurkers- Consider the effectiveness of your lifesaving work
by stuckinamovement inhypothetical scenario.
you are a city manager in a major metropolitan city with a population of 3,000,000.. .
if the governing body was truly convinced themselves of the impending disaster and the fact that the end is imminent would they not focus their efforts in spreading the message through effective means such as telephone, television, internet, social networks etc?
Wow...that was great..the math never lies does it?
1947 Awake Says Excommunication is Unbiblical and Pagan!
by Ding injanuary 8, 1947 awake!:.
excommunication is "altogether foreign to biblical teachings.".
it's an unbiblical roman catholic teaching by which "you are looked upon with the blackest contempt... being cursed and damned with the devil and his angels.".
Its actually an image, have you tried to save image?
Marilynn saved from A speeding train by A Angel wt.Nov.1,1995
by jam init happened so quickly.
deep in thought and oblivious to her surrounding,.
marilynn strolled onto the railroad tracks.
Jam-Mormons have the same story-except it's big Indians.
2010 Partakers number is out!!!
by Hairyhegoat inhey here we go!!!.
they will need to buy some more crackers and cheap wine for next year now.
what are the borg going to concocked now to cover there ass with the number of morons going up again at the memorial 2010 ?.
The number sounds legit, but until I see a scan of something I will keep it to myself. We need to see a source.
DAY of DOOM: Armageddon Comes for the WatchTower--- April 5, 2011
by cameo-d inmy speculation comes from something that conspiracy theorists know as an illuminati ritual called "revelation of method".
it is when symbols and indications are given ahead of time, (revealed in movies, television shows, etc.
) of something that is planned.
Eschatology will never die. Well, maybe at Armageddon.
Thats as close to irony as I get.
Why not perform a visual experiment with your JW friends?
by Terry inplace all the society's book publications you can get your hands on from bygone decades on a table top.. russell's divine plan of the ages, rutherford's colorful screeds, the books from the 40's--70's (mostly by fred franz) and.
place a sign next to them and photograph the whole collection.. .
the sign might read something like:.
The light wasn't that bright back then...it's brighter now...isn't it?
What does it say about an organization that claims to be God's organization when....
by stuckinamovement inyou are told that what sets your organization apart from all other religions is that there is no human leader, just jesus, but if you want to follow jesus and receive salvation you must obey and follow the leadership and direction of 8 self appointed human leaders.. .
it's elders or servants cannot resign a position of responsibility for personal reasons, or without an interrogation by other elders and then permission by headquarters.
despite the bible saying at 1 tim.
It is a secret book. You don't hear elders talking about that book to anyone. Yes they are not supposed to talk about its contents, but they will not even discuss its existence. Next time your at meeting or out in service, talk about that book and see what kind of reaction you get.
It's getting that time of year again...we should know in a few more weeks.
I destroyed @30 jw's today in field service
by JunkYardDog in2 wt zombies came to my door today.
and i opened a can of woop a$$ on them.. i did the whole history of wt false prophecies on them and asked them to show me the gospel of 1914?
they couldn't and i followed them up and down the street proclaiming they were false teachers and couldn't talk their way out of a paper bag with a knowledgeable apostate.
Designer Stubble nailed it. Following Jw's up and down the street just makes dissenters look like kooks. If you actually did that, you did more harm than good. 30 witnesses on one street? I dont think so.