LOL exactly what I was thinking.
JoinedPosts by andy5421
Dedication of Kingdumb Hall?
by NikL inso my wife who is an active sister got an "invite" to the dedication of the new hall in our town.. apparently it's a big deal 'cuz some big whig from krooklyn is coming to deliver a talk, yada yada yada.. my question, why spend the bucks to fly some old geezer out to the west coast for a building dedication?
is it not officially a kingdumb hall without his coming and having a big ceremony?.
just curious about your thoughts..
How old was God when he made the earth?
by Paralipomenon inin all, i enjoy numbers and math.
as such i can see problems from a mathmatical basis where they exist.. this thought came to me last night.. 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth.. 2 now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of god was hovering over the waters.. 3 and god said, "let there be light," and there was light.
4 god saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
interesting figures there. Thanks for the work done
Is Smoking Pot Harmful?
by minimus indo you think it's bad?
is it no different than alcohol?
a little in moderation is ok?.
pot is not addictive as everyone thinks. You have to smoke alot of pot on a daily basis to get addicted to it. Smoking a joint now and then won't get you addicted to it. There are far worse drugs out there that can get you addicted with little use.
Worldly friends on Facebook
by dgp insome people i know to be jw's have worldly friends as facebook friends.
i apologize for my ignorance, but, isn't this supposed to be socializing with worldlies?
if so, it seems many jw's are simply ignoring what the wts says.
I have Worldy friends on FB and I also have JW firends as well. The Worldly ones have not turned out to be apostates and try to kwwp me from being a JW. My JW friends are true JWs and aren't false bro's/sis in disguise. Their behaviour would reveal such things.
My cong. knows i use FB and seem to have no problem with it
KM Meeting tonight guilt trip for late comers
by Mattieu inmrs mattieu went running out the doors with kids in tow (yes, i helped them get ready) in state of panic because tonights km part is all about showing respect for being taught by jehovah by being early to the meetings and how latecomers should be put before a judicial committee.
ok, made that last bit up.. i used to hate these parts on being late to the meetings as most would judge the late comers without fully understanding their work/family/health issues.. i dont have her km with me, but it mentioned that being late is something that should not be a regular occurrence and that we should be early to sit down and be ready to be taught by jehovah.. not sure if this article is particular to the australian km or being used worldwide, though will try and scan it through tomorrow.. mattieu...... .
Here is the US we had the same part from the Question Box: How can everyone help to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning at congregation meetings?
refrence : Deuteronomy 31:12
Congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones and your alien resident who is within your gates, in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn, as they must fear Jehovah YOUR God and take care to carry out all the words of this law.
I guess I am still an RV
by twinkle toes inmy child just ran upstairs and delivered the nov. and dec watchtower study articles to me.
he answered the door and told the pioneer there that i was sleeping.
she gave him a message , left the mags and left.
Return Visitor
List of things to do
by doublelife inwhen i was 23 i made a list of things to do before i turn 30. then i thought, "what's the rush?
when the new system gets here i'll be able to do whatever i want.
" so i never paid attention to the list and now i no longer have it.
as far as I know there is no precedent set forth in Awake or Watchtowwer mags to prohibit buying GS cookies. grey area, personal choice
The closest it has ever been was 2 minutes to midnight(World War III) in 1953.
1953 The United States and the Soviet Union test thermonuclear devices within nine months of one another. (This is the clock's closest approach to midnight since its inception.)
as it stands as of Jan 14th 2007 is 5 minutes to midnight.
North Korea's test of a nuclear weapon [ 4 ] , Iran's nuclear ambitions, a renewed U.S. emphasis on the military utility of nuclear weapons, the failure to adequately secure nuclear materials, and the continued presence of some 26,000 nuclear weapons in the United States and Russia. [ 5 ] Some scientists assessing the dangers posed to civilization have added climate change to the prospect of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind. [ 6 ]
List of things to do
by doublelife inwhen i was 23 i made a list of things to do before i turn 30. then i thought, "what's the rush?
when the new system gets here i'll be able to do whatever i want.
" so i never paid attention to the list and now i no longer have it.
turns out that buying GS cookies is a matter of Personal Choice:
JW Marriage Agentcies in UK
by Adrianoblue ini just like to see who are displaying themselves on the net.. does anyone know any jw agencies in britain or other parts of europe?.
how does the wts view these things nowadays?
is it still forbidden to find a partner on the net?
well you can try As a rule of thumb I would try to look in my own Cong. first. If nothing is there then branch out to other congregations. Try the District Conventions. AS a last resort use the net, but be carefull.