I agree with Quill here. Since your no loger a JW you can divorce her as you see fit. If she's gonna be that much of a bitch because you got DF'd, then it shows how much of a two-face she is. If you love and put up with her abuse and in return she craps all over you. Stick it to her and cut bait.
JoinedPosts by andy5421
sd-7's whining session 3-30-2010
by sd-7 inso...memorial tonight, eh?
sunday was a fun meeting.
sd-7's whining session 3-30-2010
by sd-7 inso...memorial tonight, eh?
sunday was a fun meeting.
Just remember that as an active/good standing JW that she can't divorce you except for adulteryand death. If she decides to DA then you might be in trouble. For the time being she is stuck with you. If she tries to divorce you on other grounds you she may get DF'd. She has probably contimplated divorce but if she doesn't want to lose her precious position she'll think twice.
Memorial 2010 Your Experiences
by scotinsw injust got back from memorial.
only went so that i could say to my parents that i had gone and to remind myself why i left.. oh my word!!!
it was sooooo painful.. got there a bit late - it was a couple of minutes into the talk.
Scientology really is a lot like the JW's
by dissed inat the edge of arid foothills far outside los angeles, hundreds of scientology followers live on a gated, 500-acre campus and work long hours for almost no pay reproducing the works of founder l. ron hubbard and creating the church's teaching and promotional materials.. the church says its 5,000 so-called sea organization members are religious devotees akin to monks who are exempt from wage requirements and overtime.
but two lawsuits filed by two former sea org members, as they are known, allege the workers are little more than slave laborers, forced to work 100-hour weeks for pennies and threatened with manual labor if they cause trouble.. i don't feel the wt's bethel is quite this bad,...... but it's not far from it.
(as one who used to work there says) lol.
There is a Time Article about Scientologists:
Remove DRM from iTunes M4P M4B M4V protected WMA WMV convert media formats?
by lussary inanyone who bought drm protected audiobook, music, and movies from itunes alike online stores wants to enjoy them without copyrights hurdling, but it is not easy to find an all-in-one drm removing solution..
there is a programe called tunebite that records the audio from the MP3s. It doesn't remove the DRMs persay it makes a "duplicate" file WITHOUT THE DRMS:
For example: I used to subscribe to Napster.
I had a folder called Napster for my songs DL'd from Napster(DRM Protected)
Now I created a new folder called "MP3's"
I used tunebite selected my Napster Directory it ato-loaded all the songs into a queue and select the destination dir as "MP3s" and pressed start.
Tunebite ripped the audio to the MP3s dir and the songs were DRM-free with the Napster songs still there(still DRM protected).
Been awhile since I used this. Give it a shot, tell me if it works
Post your unputdownable book
by behemot inone of mine:.
Personally I could not put down "River God" by Wilbur Smith
Ozzy and WT Doctrine!
by lepermessiah inwho was the most villified rocker in my youth?
ozzy...... you couldnt listen to him.
he was pure evil.
yeah at first he was raised Lutheran then his mother converted to JW as for Dave he chose Heavy Metal over the Witnesses. Don't know the status of Ms. Mustaine.
by Terry inbelow a list is culled from various publications by c.t.
russell who was the mouthpiece of the lord.
1.the second adventists and millerite movement was the fulfillment of bible prophecy.
33. Operating on people for appendicitis is unnecessary. It is brought on by worm infestation. A dose of medicine called SANTONINE will cure it and typhoid fever. (Zion's Watch Tower 1/15/1912)
That would be SANTONIN (minus the "E", maybe CTR misspelled it in his publication)
by Terry inbelow a list is culled from various publications by c.t.
russell who was the mouthpiece of the lord.
1.the second adventists and millerite movement was the fulfillment of bible prophecy.
30. You can read the CHARACTER of a person by feeling the bumps on their head. 1907
that would be Phrenology.
Unprofitable use of Time --WT 15th June '62
by ThomasCovenant inwhile making unprofitable use of my time i found this wt quote-.
''for example, in all good faith one might ask,.
what was jehovah doing before he created jesus, by whom he made all other things?.
While making unprofitable use of my time I found this WT Quote-
''For example, in all good faith one might ask,
What was Jehovah doing before he created Jesus, by whom he made all other things?
it is not said what Jehovah was doing before creating Jesus. Maybe he was lonely or something
If Adam and Eve had repented, would God have forgiven them?
Probably, though they still might be punished. Remember King David repented but was still punished. Much like a child who does something wrong, if they are truly sorry then the parent will forgive them but still a punishment would still have to be metered out
What happened to the bodies of those who perished in the Flood?
Most likely they will remain there and not be ressurected since according to the Bible all of mankind was wicked save for Noah and his family.
Did the expensive gifts brought to the babe Jesus make Joseph and Mary rich for the rest of their lives?
No one knows what they did with the gifts
What did Jesus do between the ages of twelve and thirty besides his carpentering?
The Bible provides no details to this account. There are some Apocrypha texts which tell of Jesus's childhood. They are spurious at best heresy at worst.
How would Jehovah have redeemed the race if Jesus had not proved faithful?
IF Jesus failed, he would choose another person.
Exactly how long did Jesus’ trip to heaven take? Much time could be spent conjecturing on such matters.
Well it wasn't instantaneous since the Apostles and Disciples of Christ had time to view him acsending to Heaven.
Likewise it is possible to spend valuable time speculating on matters concerning the future. One might ask,
In what year will Armageddon begin?
No one knows, even Jesus didn't know.
Will the faithful angels eventually receive immortality?
Faithfull angels have immortality already albeit conditional inmmortality, if they become unfaithful and wicked they will be destroyed.
Will there be factories and machines in use after Armageddon?
Will men wear beards again?
What will be the medium of exchange in the new world?
We'll just have to wait for the new world to find out.
Will women now past the age of childbearing share in the procreation mandate?
possibly since it happened before.
If dedicated parents and children happen to die before Armageddon, which parent will raise the resurrected children, since resurrected mates will not remarry? (Luke 20:35)
everyone will teach everyone since we are all one big "family" of sorts.