Hi Leonie, welcome.
It really is dishonest of your teacher to present evolution as if it was a matter for serious debate. It is a fact as certain as anything that has been discovered by the scientific method. There is great debate within the science community regarding some of the details - punctuated equilibrium v gradualism; how many branches are there at the root of the taxonomic tree - but the fact that every living thing including the more than 99% of extinct species all evolved from a common ancestor by a process of unguided evolution over millions of years is an indisputable fact.
If I were you I would make that abundantly clear in my answer.
The only people who reject the fact of evolution are motivated by religious ideology. Most religious people have no problem with it but Muslims, evangelical christians and JWs are exceptions.
As a JW your teacher will have got his information from two or three absolutely dreadful and intellectually dishonest books published by the Watchtower Society. There are a number of sources on the internet that take these books apart line by line.
Outside the JW religion opposition to evolution is led mostly by the Discovery Institute and their spokesmen such as Michael Behe, Stephen Myer and Wm Dembsky. They promote a form of creationism called Intelligent design which uses objections such as 'irreducible complexity' and 'specified complexity'. This approach, that was invented purely to get around the law that forbade creationism being taught in American schools was exposed in a legal trial Kitzmiller v Dover School Board. You will find info on YouTube and coverage here at the ncse website.
If I can offer any more help let me know. I would personally use your assignment to attack all forms of creationism for the superstitious ideology that it is, but I don't have to worry about grades.
Here is a series of threads you might find helpful. Evolution is a Fact Parts 1 - 40...