the governing body DOESNOT claim infallibility
yet when it makes mistakes on trival matters
such as the end of the world
the ressurection of the saints
organ transplants (matter of conscience)
the scarlet beast (whom they were a part of SECRETLY)
space travel
vaccinations (how many became infected)
the intreptation of the word generation as life span
[matt 24:34]
the end of the gentile times
Who was faithfull and descreteslave
Colledge education
frequency of Earthquakes
the king of the north
when were the sheeps and the goats sepereted
What is the grate crowd
did Babalyon the grate fall
very importantly the fall of jerelusem in supposedely 607
etc etc...
i could go on and on and on
the energizer bunny couldent keep up with me anyway
They do not claim infallibility because they have made too many mistaeks
there have been scandles
and they continue to change their views about pivotal matters continousely.
[rem God dosent change]
They know that people arent that stupid.
Now how do they stop people from doubting the infallibilty of the organisation itself
this organisation is "Gods only channel of communication with mankind on earth"
this organisation is the truth the only truht and nothing but the truth
[only the mistakes stop them from calling it the whole truth]
So why do people still believe them after all there mistakes
why do they consider the annonted remanant the only people to which God reveals his word to
The new light docterin
they thech that when they make mistakes that dont get disapointed that to dont loose faith in Gods organisation (which they direct) but be patient because
the ways of the righteous are like a light getting lighter and lighter untill it is fully estabilshed.
So keep your faith Jehovah God will reveal His understanding to us
to us and refine our docterings dont be discouraged dont mind thoes who stand against gods earthly understanding dont encourage doubts
stand firm with jehovah and his organisation.
Is there any conseiveable way that one with a minimal amount of objectively can say that these people at the top could possibly have any personal an ideological intrest* in introducing this docterin.
who controlls this organisation directly who controlls the spending of the money who now has enough money to influence major political elements
they say Jehovah leades
so does Jehovah puts His mighty signature on the documents that pass through the governing bodys head quarters office.
oh he gave them the authority to direct His organisation
intersting isnt it.
* Does the end justify the means can we keep people in what we see as the the truth by any means necessary excluding physicall.
{if they could implement physicall punishment would ray franz be alive,
just a thought}
who has the authority to claim that they are God's sole channel of communication i.e prophet but wet can make prophesys and when they dont come true call it a misintrepretation and still live up to
deut 18:20-22
and still point out all the quote unquote pagan unGodly practices in orthodox christianity
claim to be the only ones with the ability to intrepret revelation and daniel
and claim to be the only ones going to heaven.
You tell me
So could the "New light possibly serv the GB best"
tell me what you think
i'm not infallibie by the way The Father is
Would God allow his organisation to make so many mistake and change so many thinghs even inolving life and death
soo close to the end
i the world was supposed to end soon for the last 86 years
so who soon is soon...
how would His organisation look to out siders
i dont mean to sound too judgemental so the next time you meet a jw ask him about why he thinks all other churches are bad
and see if it compares to the above
read some jw literature talk to them see who they react when you have some intresting questions about gods organisation
more importantly ask them how they think the GB members make decisions
for the record i encourage you too look in to these mistakr=es and explainations see ehat they have to say
i dont think this doctrin applies to
only the GB but to the rank and file members who
may backslide but will get better at serving Jehovah and the org
its not all bad
not even mostly bad
anyone who follow Jesu's example cant be all bad
they try follow the rules
but can they possibly be misguided