Pot is different things to different people, as alcohol is different for different people. I don't smoke pot, nor have I ever, but I certainly have friends that do. Some of them are hard driving type A personalities and are very successful. Others are affected very negatively. They smoke too much, and feel compelled to do so. My friends who use pot sparringly say frequent use of pot destroyed their ambition and drive and caused them many problems.
I don't know how much pot Kammy is smoking but for a former drug abuser to use any drug recreationally, even alcohol, is walking close to the slippery slope of getting in trouble again. If you've talked to recovered alcoholics, they say they're only one drink away from being a slobbering drunk.
I think David is right to be seriously concerned. I think it's great that he stood by her when she had a relapse. That shows real character. But I feel Kammy is being reckless with the relationship by toying with any recreational drug, period. It's not that pot is so bad that nobody should smoke it. It's just that Kammy has a history of drug addiction that had the potential for completely destroying her life. Why is she willing to skate close to the edge?
I think the previous advice of going to counseling as a couple is good. The counselor can explain the risk inherent in former cocaine abusers using pot.
This post has been edited for those watching their intake of "fluff."