JoinedPosts by eyesthatsee
Source material for elders school
by billyboy inelders & ms have been told to study the following material before the school.. elders.......... organised to do gods will (od) chapter 7. shepherd the flock of god (ks10) chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11. benefit from theocratic education pages 47-51. ministerial servants........ organised to do gods will (od) pages 78-83 & 93-102 & chapter 7. benefit from theocratic education (be) pages 47-51. .
Elders' schools are as close to education as Jack Barr is to remembering his name.
I've attended so many and they're all the same.
Parrot fashion going over the written material.
Then a Q&A which is merely a rehash of what you've already read and heard.
They are of course a beauty parade for the 'top elders' in the circuit and brainwashing for the thought police.
The best one I ever went to was when an elder asked how a convicted paedophile who served in Bethel and was sent to prison, managed to only get a reproof at the JC - 'condequences commensurate with the wrongdoing'.
The bullshit from the then CO was so funny - humorous it wasn't because of the protection of the Borg > care for the victims.
Happy days.
Source material for elders school
by billyboy inelders & ms have been told to study the following material before the school.. elders.......... organised to do gods will (od) chapter 7. shepherd the flock of god (ks10) chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11. benefit from theocratic education pages 47-51. ministerial servants........ organised to do gods will (od) pages 78-83 & 93-102 & chapter 7. benefit from theocratic education (be) pages 47-51. .
Elders' schools are as close to education as Jack Barr is to remembering his name.
I've attended so many and they're all the same.
Parrot fashion foinf over the written material.
Then a Q&A which is merelt a rehash of what you've already read and hear
Ray Franz Was Wrong
by Farkel ingod rest his soul.
although i never met him personally, he and i did correspond a number of times, and i have numerous friends who have not only met him, but stayed several days with he and cynthia at their home.
if nothing else, ray was kind, non-judging, and generous.
I agree with Farkel, but would widen the use of the term 'criminal'.
The many senior Bethel managers (many of these used to be called 'Bethel Elders') also know the fraud and lies.
But they're too deep into the quicksand - they would literally lose everything if they spoke up.
Much worse than that, they continue to perpetrate the lies of 'do more, the end is close, pioneer now, only diving education' etc etc., thereby taking an active part in ruining peoples' lives.
Most of these are wannabe GB members.
All criminals in my view - and also part victims - 80:20 on balance.
I could name some and will in the future.
Further Education and the Special Assembly Day
by eyesthatsee ini had the misery recently of attending the sad.. the bethel speaker looked and sounded like the usual corporate businessman after your money.. during his main talk, he praised a recent bethel member who left his college (aka university) course early to pioneer and join bethel.. that followed experiences from window cleaners, unemployed, parents home-schooling (aka child abuse - it is a basic human right to be educated) their kids and those baptised as children (youngest was 10).. the brainwashed dubs applauded every ruined life paraded on the platform.. these bethel speakers have been around long enough to know exactly what they're doing - they are evil men, ruining peoples' lives, breaking up families and masquerading as holy men.. their time will come when they face god - too late for the many ruined by their filthy lies and false hopes.. sorry to sound bitter, but to my shame i had a part in this cult as an elder.
what part of my brain did i lose to not see through this rubbish?.
better late then never though.
I had the misery recently of attending the SAD.
The Bethel speaker looked and sounded like the usual corporate businessman after your money.
During his main talk, he praised a recent Bethel member who left his college (aka university) course early to pioneer and join Bethel.
That followed experiences from window cleaners, unemployed, parents home-schooling (aka child abuse - it is a basic human right to be educated) their kids and those baptised as children (youngest was 10).
The brainwashed dubs applauded every ruined life paraded on the platform.
These Bethel speakers have been around long enough to know exactly what they're doing - they are evil men, ruining peoples' lives, breaking up families and masquerading as holy men.
Their time will come when they face God - too late for the many ruined by their filthy lies and false hopes.
Sorry to sound bitter, but to my shame I had a part in this cult as an elder. How was that possible? What part of my brain did I lose to not see through this rubbish?
Better late then never though. Feel better for that - thanks for reading........
New Elders' Book - I have been brazen.....
by eyesthatsee incalling all recent and former elders - how many times have you felt like this?
- many many times for me...... .
Calling all recent and former elders - how many times have you felt like this? - many many times for me.....
What Are Some Of The Dumbest Beliefs JW's Have?
by minimus ini know there are a lot.. one belief i never understood is that blood fractions might be ok for a christian but not "whole blood".
to me the "blood doctrine" is ridiculous from a scriptural point of view..
- 1914 - use of lunar year and solar year; and oh yeah, 607 BCE is wrong in the 1st place
- Creation book - sad really
- Anyone heard about the evil of aluminium?
- Degree of repentance commensurate with significance of 'sin' - what about the paedophiles (including the one in London Bethel?)
I could go on and on ......... ETS
Was You a Bethelite, Elder,CO, DO, GB, Publisher, Missionary,Ministerial Servant or Pioneer class?????
by Scott77 inwhen still in the watchtower, i used to be an assistant ministerial servant.
true, there is no such title but its there unofficially for those one step to being a ministerial servant.
been with it for about three years.
- pioneer
- MS
- Elder 20 years (last 5 years as PO) SHAME ON ME!
- Regular DC & CA talks
- stayed in longer than wanted to help children get out (1 down and 1 to go)
- faded away over last 2 years
For born ins- what tipped you off it was wrong
by teela(2) inat a young age i remember watching tv and commenting why is the red cross always helping people and we don't.
the second big one is if the witnesses only started up in 1890 - 1900 did jehovah not have anyone else doing the preaching work?.
as a child i don't think we think about theological problems so what tipped you off?
Top 10 JW Issues as a 'Born-in'
(1) Writing their own Bible
(2) Hypocrisy of 'question your religious heritage' - unless it's us
(3) Laughable mis-quotes of scientists to support their own story of creation
(4) Killing men, women and children with a man-made set of rules on blood
(5) False prophet and then spinning their own theocratic history - dishonesty and more lies
(6) The shame of chairing judicial commitees that ruined peoples' lives, using man's rules and forgetting about the love of Jesus
(7) Mushroom religion - keep the dubs in the dark (on pain of DF) and sh*t on them (generation changes etc.........)
(8) Deprive children of the basic human right of an education
(9) Brainwashing techniques, including baptism of children (it is a lie when they say they don't)
(10) Protect the organisation first and foremost (paedophiles, instruction to contact Society 1st if accident on ministry etc etc)
The trouble with fading as your leaving strategy
by eyesthatsee inwhatever your chosen strategy for leaving jws, the fundamental truth is that there is no clean / simple exit.
the mind control, the manipulation of normal family relationships etc will make any strategy very difficult at times.
the key issue is to know this ahead of time and be prepared, as best you can.. we've all chosen leaving strategies acording to our personal circumstances, preferences and learning from others.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and advice - good stuff and it helps alot.
I knew of a former elder who half-way through a public talk explained that he couldn't believe such lies anymore - walked off the platform, out of the KH and never came back.
Relatively young, no family ties in the cult and he started his new life quickly, without wasting his life - good for him.
Most of us have far more complex situations and numerous family ties with 'brain-washed' dubs - I don't mean to be rude by using that phrase, since I was exactly that a few years ago.
Therefore, careful planning and taking some time seems to be the best option for many - it is hard to bite your tongue when you hear the same lies over and over.
However, if my fade takes too long then I'm just wasting my life - throwing years away by passively supporting a global publishing corporation.
For me, one of the most positive things I have is an education. Even though a 3rd generation JW, I was able to get to university (after pioneering!) and eventually got a science degree and doctorate (what I could say about the creation book!). My heart goes out to all those who missed a proper education (a basic human right) because of this cult.
In my job, identifying the best strategy, planning the way forward and implementing is exactly what I do. I need to apply this rigor and logic to my painful exit from this malicious religion. I have a milestone in my life of when my daughter leaves school (not too far off). When she does, then that's it - I stop the pretense and avoid the lot of them. I believe that my wife's love is entirely conditional on my being a JW, so we will probably separate when she knows I'm never coming back to the KH. A previous poster said that you need to be prepared in your mind to lose everything - your children, your partner, your so-called friends, your house etc - if you can face all that (i.e. the worst situation possible) and know that you can cope with it, then and only then put your plans into action. I'm less than a year away from putting my plans into action. I'm prepared to lose everything to break away from this religion. I hope to keep a relationship with my children, but know that my wife will do her best to make this difficult. So be it.
Will keep you posted. Kind regards. ETS