JoinedTopics Started by eyesthatsee
Source material for elders school
by billyboy inelders & ms have been told to study the following material before the school.. elders.......... organised to do gods will (od) chapter 7. shepherd the flock of god (ks10) chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11. benefit from theocratic education pages 47-51. ministerial servants........ organised to do gods will (od) pages 78-83 & 93-102 & chapter 7. benefit from theocratic education (be) pages 47-51. .
Ray Franz Was Wrong
by Farkel ingod rest his soul.
although i never met him personally, he and i did correspond a number of times, and i have numerous friends who have not only met him, but stayed several days with he and cynthia at their home.
if nothing else, ray was kind, non-judging, and generous.
Further Education and the Special Assembly Day
by eyesthatsee ini had the misery recently of attending the sad.. the bethel speaker looked and sounded like the usual corporate businessman after your money.. during his main talk, he praised a recent bethel member who left his college (aka university) course early to pioneer and join bethel.. that followed experiences from window cleaners, unemployed, parents home-schooling (aka child abuse - it is a basic human right to be educated) their kids and those baptised as children (youngest was 10).. the brainwashed dubs applauded every ruined life paraded on the platform.. these bethel speakers have been around long enough to know exactly what they're doing - they are evil men, ruining peoples' lives, breaking up families and masquerading as holy men.. their time will come when they face god - too late for the many ruined by their filthy lies and false hopes.. sorry to sound bitter, but to my shame i had a part in this cult as an elder.
what part of my brain did i lose to not see through this rubbish?.
better late then never though.
New Elders' Book - I have been brazen.....
by eyesthatsee incalling all recent and former elders - how many times have you felt like this?
- many many times for me...... .
What Are Some Of The Dumbest Beliefs JW's Have?
by minimus ini know there are a lot.. one belief i never understood is that blood fractions might be ok for a christian but not "whole blood".
to me the "blood doctrine" is ridiculous from a scriptural point of view..
For born ins- what tipped you off it was wrong
by teela(2) inat a young age i remember watching tv and commenting why is the red cross always helping people and we don't.
the second big one is if the witnesses only started up in 1890 - 1900 did jehovah not have anyone else doing the preaching work?.
as a child i don't think we think about theological problems so what tipped you off?
Was You a Bethelite, Elder,CO, DO, GB, Publisher, Missionary,Ministerial Servant or Pioneer class?????
by Scott77 inwhen still in the watchtower, i used to be an assistant ministerial servant.
true, there is no such title but its there unofficially for those one step to being a ministerial servant.
been with it for about three years.
The trouble with fading as your leaving strategy
by eyesthatsee inwhatever your chosen strategy for leaving jws, the fundamental truth is that there is no clean / simple exit.
the mind control, the manipulation of normal family relationships etc will make any strategy very difficult at times.
the key issue is to know this ahead of time and be prepared, as best you can.. we've all chosen leaving strategies acording to our personal circumstances, preferences and learning from others.
BOE on Disfellowshiped Relatives
by JWFreak inagain...please do not request a pdf scan these are interbranch copies not the same ones sent to the congregations.
jwf.. january 21, 2010 .
to all bodies of elders .