Thanks saltyoldlady, I did not know it was avaialable for PDF purchase. I'll check out Don's site.
Posts by pirata
Captivers of a Concept on free PDF download
by saltyoldlady inwhile i firmly believe in rewarding an author with financial revenue for his efforts and i myself purchased his book with joy - those of you that may have limited budgets or have been postponing the reading of this classic did you realize it is readily available on the net as a free pdf format - i found it under [edited].
The voice sounds to me like John Barr. I always liked his voice. Sounded kind, and reminded me of Winnie the Pooh.
Mind you it's been many years since I last heard it, so I could be wrong.
New Watchtower: Picture Edition
by pirata inlet's have some fun designing our own picture edition watchtowers (i got the idea from neckbeard's post on the simplified watchtower edition).. here i present a concise study article for the july 15 wt, picture edition:.
there are apostates in the congregation:.
they want disciples and will make you do bad things:.
I... WILL... OBEY....
New Watchtower: Picture Edition
by pirata inlet's have some fun designing our own picture edition watchtowers (i got the idea from neckbeard's post on the simplified watchtower edition).. here i present a concise study article for the july 15 wt, picture edition:.
there are apostates in the congregation:.
they want disciples and will make you do bad things:.
Feel free to add your own articles!
New Watchtower: Picture Edition
by pirata inlet's have some fun designing our own picture edition watchtowers (i got the idea from neckbeard's post on the simplified watchtower edition).. here i present a concise study article for the july 15 wt, picture edition:.
there are apostates in the congregation:.
they want disciples and will make you do bad things:.
Beware of Higher Education
The Faithful Slave has warned against Higher Education on many occasions
Some Christian youths and their parents are not listening
High School Counselors and friends may seem nice and influence you to go to Higher Education
But the world is under the control of Satan, and they are influenced by the world
The environment of higher education is immoral...
Promotes bad habits...
Criticizes the Bible and teach worldly philosophy...
Many who go to Higher Education cannot find a job in their field:
Instead, make the ministry your career
Remember, Armageddon will come just like the flood of Noahs Day. Where do you want to be?
Happifying? Real WT quote, or are we joking -
by james_woods inmaybe i just missed it, (the story of the word) - but i am seeing this word "happifying" in a lot of threads.. can it possibly be that the wt actually printed this??
Happified, welcome to the board! I'm happified to meet you!
Have a good Easter weekend.
by tec ini'm going to my parents for this long weekend, along with my boys, my aunt and her twin boys (same age as my oldest), and our pup.
will be a busy and bustling weekend, seeing as the basement recently flooded, so that area is now off-limits.
so for the next five days, the four and a half hour drive tomorrow is going to be the only quiet time i think i'm going to get, lol.. however, my mother is going to have a big pot of homemade chili waiting for us... and that alone would be worth the drive and the craziness :).
Have a good one!
my updated story and my thoughts
by TheLoveDoctor inright now im fading and haven't been in service for 5 months 0000 in for 16 years ministerial servant for about 8.5 years pioneered for 3 years around 1994-97 later auxiliary then around 2004 got back on pioneer list for about the same time became elder for 5.3 years when i began reading books nothing apostate but then began searching apostate literature.
i could ignore web sites like six screens and other apostates because u can tell when someone is just looking for attention and out to hurt or revenge.
so i researched my research and found the lies in wt literature.
I hated history so studying the wt history (Nah) I f u say so I believe u because U gave me no reason not to. Prophecy was something i hated and had lots of history that was mad complicated so I didn’t care If u
say so i believe you though plenty of times I could not wrap my head around it.
Same for me! Most of the prophecy stuff I didn't think about too much because it made my head hurt. One day I had a talk on 1914, so I looked in the dictionary some support for 607 BCE to quote in my talk. Stupid dictionaries they were all wrong, and I was in a rush to make my talk.
Now looking back, I wish I had spent some more time investigating 607 BCE instead of shoving it to the back of my mind. Instead I shelved it for a good 10 years. Just recently I'm starting to read about history and logic and philosophy and it is amazing how little I knew (when I thought I knew everything that was important to know).
I come to believe if there really is a god and if Christ is real we should imitate Christ to best of our ability but Christianity should not be organized like it is in large groups.
Indeed. Jesus said that whenever 2 or 3 would be gathered together, then he would be in their midst.
Do They Still Offer Food At The DCs?
by Low-Key Lysmith into this day, i still can't drink shasta cola or lemon-lime soda.
when i was a kid, you would buy these books of "food tickets".
the tickets were traded for terrible food.
You can bring a salad, just not supposed to bring glassware or a huge meal that requires a table to serve.
Your Favorite Kingdom Song (versions)
by pirata inwhat were your favorite kingdom song (versions) when you were a jw?.
5 stars.
I'm serious here. What were your favorite Kingdom Song (versions) when you were a JW?
5 Stars
A few years ago I discovered the Unreleased Singing Kingdom Songs (supposedly commissioned by the Governing body, but ultimately decided to sound to "christendom") that included George Benson and others. The songs were very well produced, done in jazz and modern ballad. I listened to these in secret because they were already "banned" from distribution by the time I found out about them. A friend of mine had this on copied CD, but refused to copy it for me or lend it to me after the Kingdom Ministry article came out saying not to distribute it.
4 Stars
I really liked the african versions of the Kingdom Songs, also produced by the society. There were no instrumentals, just beautiful singing in harmony. Africans sure can sing. My classmate (from the Congo) once warned me, when you hear singing, you start running, because during his time in Congo, it meant a protest was brewing.
3 Stars
The vocal versions of the new kingdom songs are pretty nice, but they all sound the same. After listening to 30 tracks of the same style, it would be nice to see things changed up.
1 Star
The officially released "Singing Kingdom Songs" with the Opera Dude and the barbershop trio. My mom used to play this all the time. She didn't like the singing much, but it helped to memorize the songs. I used to play it, and sing along very loudly, to annoy the rest of the family.