I suppose it makes people feel special to be 'ministers' as they trash the clergy class as from the devil. Any idiot with mental problems, no education, no life can become important in the group and trained to be a minister (I agree that all believers are ministers vs just paid clergy who may or may not even be true shepherds after God's own servant heart).
So if you agree that all believers are ministers, what is the relevance of your statement regarding "idiot[s] with mental problems, no education, no life"
The WT is driven by money (land, books, etc.) and relies on people being on the treadmill as consumers of the material and peddlers of it. Do people actually make donations at the door for this stuff?
I rarely receive donations at the door.
It is interesting that if a JW does sell something that they already paid for, the money goes back into coffers (double charge essentially).
JWs haven't paid for the literature they take for at least a decade or two. They can contribute if they want, not everyone does.
In light of the internet, the well should be drying up or slowing down eventually. Will July 15 WT be available online at WT site?
It is already available. Have you checked jw.org?