My wife and I had been missing more and more meetings until we finally decided never to return. Since then many "friends" have stopped talking to us. One elder who, like me, is a father of children at the local primary school, stood just metres away from me after school waiting for his kids to appear at the door. He saw me, but turned away. I'd bumped into his wife a few weeks earlier at the supermarket; she turned away, pretending she hadn't seen me.
Other "friends" in a city where we used to live phoned us around memorial time two years in a row encouraging us to go to the memorial. No call this year, so I presume they're not talking to us any more. Weird thing is these are all people who studied a WT in January last year praising JWs for seeking out the wandering sheep. To this day none of them know why we stopped attending meetings. Were we sick? Did we have family problems? A financial crisis? Did we have doubts about God, or doubts about some doctrines? None of them actually wanted to find out. They let us go, stopped talking to us and almost certainly started talking about us.
Funny thing is last year we went to a local restaurant with friends who we'd told of our experiences about leaving the cult. As luck would have it, there was a table full of 25 or so JWs who had obviously been to an assembly that day. We were given a table at the rear of the restaurant near the door to the toilets. One by one they all walked past us to use the loo -- all sheepishly ignoring us, except for one decent guy who paused for a quick handshake and chat. Our friends at the table were shocked and appalled, especially because they knew none of those people knew why we had stopped attending.
For a long time we dreaded doing anything, like putting up Xmas decorations, that might lead to us being DFd. The way we see it now, who cares? What difference would it make anyway? They started shunning us when we stopped going to the meetings.