Thanks for the replys everyone, it seems that I may be living in an area where the JW`s aren`t that keen on saving us from the big A. Perhaps we`re not posh enough.
Paul Uk
i know that the wts say`s that the jw`s are ever on the increase, more people, more studies etc.
yet where i live, (a residential suburb of quite a large city), i rarely see the jehovah`s witnesses going from door to door.
i think that they`ve knocked on my door once, and i got a memorial invite pushed through the letter box a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the replys everyone, it seems that I may be living in an area where the JW`s aren`t that keen on saving us from the big A. Perhaps we`re not posh enough.
Paul Uk
or photoshop?
did the wts actually print this shit?.
i think i will puke!.
I take it that members of the public can`t go on a tour of Bethel? (would any want to?)
Do they have bouncers at the door handing out "loan" ties etc....?
What an odd brochure.
Paul Uk
i know that the wts say`s that the jw`s are ever on the increase, more people, more studies etc.
yet where i live, (a residential suburb of quite a large city), i rarely see the jehovah`s witnesses going from door to door.
i think that they`ve knocked on my door once, and i got a memorial invite pushed through the letter box a few weeks ago.
I know that the WTS say`s that the JW`s are ever on the increase, more people, more studies etc. etc. Yet where I live, (a residential suburb of quite a large City), I rarely see the Jehovah`s Witnesses going from door to door. I think that they`ve knocked on my door once, and I got a memorial Invite pushed through the letter box a few weeks ago. But that`s all I have seen of them on their preaching work in 9 years. I did drive past a group recently, but that was way over the other side of the town.
I guess I`m trying to ask this: Are they as active on the doors as I remember them in the 80`s, (when a territory map would be covered every month or two), or are they preaching some other way, eg. writting letters or something.
I am in the UK, so it may just be here that things are different.
Or it may be that I`m just not being very observant, in my old age??
Paul UK
now, this is something i never ever confessed to anyone.
but i feel the urge to admit that i am addicted, and i am fighting and struggeling every single day for the "good fight".. i havent taken anything for a long time now, so really i am clean.
but i am felling the addiction increasing every day.
I used drugs heavily from the 80`s until 2001.
It still breaks my heart when I think of the worry and upset I caused to those who loved me.
If I feel myself getting down over the past, I try to remember what I was told, "there is absolutely nothing I can do to change what has already happened, I will try to learn from my mistakes, and not make them again".
There are many ways to get your life back on track, basically, whatever works best for you.
I went to AA and NA, saw a Psychiatrist, Prayed, took up a new hobby, the list is long, and it`s a matter of what suits you and your situation. Many people find groups like the NA not to their liking, many find it a great help. Lots of people find exercise helps them, others use relaxation techniques. I`m sure you will find something you feel is right for you.
As for being single, try not to be anxious about it, take your time.
I can honestly say that with time things will get better.
Wishing you all the best for the future
Paul UK
The trouble with the name Paul is, it just has one sylable like wall or ball. I`d like a name like Rodriguez, as per Bender Bending Rodriguez!
All the best
Paul Uk
i hate to exercise, therefore i haven't really ever done it, and stuck with it.
i've had 6 children, and am quite sedentary.
i get really bad migraines when my blood pressure rises, hence hating excercise.. .
Ok point taken let`s drop the subject.
All the best
Paul UK
i hate to exercise, therefore i haven't really ever done it, and stuck with it.
i've had 6 children, and am quite sedentary.
i get really bad migraines when my blood pressure rises, hence hating excercise.. .
No notverylikely, I know about my health, no-one elses. Septic Arthitis is caused by long standing Eczema, a condition I inherited, Asthema, although it may be tied in with the Eczema, I tend to believe was caused by years of heavy smoking. Ischaemic heart disease was brought on though sustance missuse (something I gave up 9 years ago), Angina is tied in with that.
As I said I do not have a Thyroid condition.
I`m also NOT the one trying to lose weight.
Whilst nearly everyone has tried to be as helpful as they know, you notverylikly just label everyone fat & idle.
I do hope you find a way to be a little more tollerant of other people`s situations.
Someday it may be you asking for help.
Paul UK
ooh you are awful!
Arthur (formally known as Paul) UK
i hate to exercise, therefore i haven't really ever done it, and stuck with it.
i've had 6 children, and am quite sedentary.
i get really bad migraines when my blood pressure rises, hence hating excercise.. .
Agreed, but some people have such things as Ischeamic Heart diease, Arthritis, Angina, Asthma, Diabetes and as the first poster said Thyroid problems.
Yeah, some people. Some. Very very very few. A lot of those are secondary conditions brought on by "fat and lazy". Diabetes (adult onset, at least) is caused by fat lazy poor diet. I have asthma, a prescribed inhaler, everything. I ran a 5K last night with one section a half a mile uphill.
And 4 years ago I was 31 and almost 300 lbs. I have 100% become disdainful of people that use medical excuses or claim that they can't lose weight. Won't is more like it.
I`m sure everything you say is true, although I have no idea what causes Thyroid problems, I don`t have the condition.
In my case the heart problems were cause by cocaine abuse, the arthritis is septic arthritis caused by eczma, and the asthma is a result of smoking 30 cigarettes a day on and off since I was 13.
Non of it big or clever I know. But not a fat or lazy in there.
But 100% disdain? I reserve that for terrorists, murderers, rapists and the like.
Anyway, this has nothing to do with Jehovah`s Witnesses, unless they are now selling a book on losing weight. Then again I wouldn`t put it past them.
Paul Uk
for me, it's the pm system.. sylvia.
I like Alabamians, for some reason everyone calls you "sir".
Paul Uk