Not the biggest lie, but one of the funniest to me is
"The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914 because it is fixed by the law God gave to Israel." Watchtower 1st Sept 1922
the truth that leads to eternal life.
the truth that leads to eternal life was a bible study textbook published in 1968 and revised in 1981 (now out of print).. the 1990 edition of the guinness book of records included this book under its heading "highest printings".. according to the guinness book, by may 1987 it had reached 106,486,735 copies, in 116 languages.. .
Not the biggest lie, but one of the funniest to me is
"The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914 because it is fixed by the law God gave to Israel." Watchtower 1st Sept 1922
the truth that leads to eternal life.
the truth that leads to eternal life was a bible study textbook published in 1968 and revised in 1981 (now out of print).. the 1990 edition of the guinness book of records included this book under its heading "highest printings".. according to the guinness book, by may 1987 it had reached 106,486,735 copies, in 116 languages.. .
When I think of the biggest lie from the WTS, I think of 'Millions living now will never die'
i was reading an article from the awake on spousal abuse, and something else caught my eye.
"the bible long ago foretold that during the last days of this system of things, many would be abusive, with no natural affection, and fierce.
(2 timothy 3:1-3; thenewenglishbible) the prevalence of spouse abuse is simply another indication that we are living in the very time period designated by this prophecy.
Hi New- as you know, it is WTS mantra that the end is [always] near and if you want to be saved, you must get on board. I think they give any examples that can to prove their position. This is not the most ridiculous example that I have heard.
Hell, I couldn't even tell you the most ridiculous that I have heard as there have been sooo many laughable examples in their books and booklets.
i was raised a catholic until the age of eight which was a normal life.
my mother took everything the jws said literally and this destroyed my schooling and education.. the issue that i have with this religion is that they contradict what they say about education and elders encourage parents to prevent kids from gaining a college or university education as the jw objectives should be the primary goal in life.. they sometimes seemed to encourage education and recently i checked and now they are saying that education leads to alienation and suicide.
they state that university leads to immorality and drug taking.
True, cults do not like critical thinking and the longer that you stay on this site, the more contridictions with the WTS you will find. I was never a JW, but my brother and his family of four all are and have been for decades. Like you, raised Catholic and expected to further their education....but instead have settled for low income, low impact, low self esteem and miserable jobs. [I'm talking about door to door service].
Welcome to the board,
im a mormon now and have been one for the last 3 months.
at first i really liked it but now i am starting to have 2nd thoughts, i grew up as a jehovahs witness and was disfellowshiped at 19 i really started to look for a new church in july of this year.
i started out in a christian church which i really liked but i didnt understand the jesus as god thing/trinity.
New Chapter you need not believe the scriptures, but you need not also to deny what is written and ignore it. Being a unitarian you probably [like many JWs] accept only portions of the scriptures or perhaps there are portions that you do not accept would be a more accurate statement.
Often people post about what Jews or Muslims or Mormons believe and try to equate that with Christendom. Of course it doesn't equate. Ask Christians about Christianity, not Jews or Mormons or Muslims.
You don;t go to a dentist for broken limbs, right?
or are they as correct as any other false religion?.
Maybe, even a broken clock is right twice a day. But I would never bet my life or even an enemy's on anything that comes from the WTS.
im a mormon now and have been one for the last 3 months.
at first i really liked it but now i am starting to have 2nd thoughts, i grew up as a jehovahs witness and was disfellowshiped at 19 i really started to look for a new church in july of this year.
i started out in a christian church which i really liked but i didnt understand the jesus as god thing/trinity.
Great posts by all. Fiery, informative and funny per the norm. I agree Shades. The scriptural evidence equating Jesus Christ with God [obviously seperate from the Father] is overwhelming. Only diehard unitarians will continue to deny what the scriptures actually say. It's sad to see that they always address God's oneness and never acknowledge the scriptural truths written for all to read.
IE - My friend DESIGNS posted 2 Billion christians are wrong godrulz, ask a Rabbi what 'One God' means, it is different from what the RCC defines 'one god' to mean.
Revisionists ssssshh.
Designs, Designs, Designs, Been reading the 'should you believe in the trinity' booklet again. Haven't you learned that booklet is full of lying garbage? Sheese. I know that I've pointed this out to you on other occassions, perhaps you had forgotten, but because you are a 'student' I shall try to explain to you again in laymans' terms. In the Hebrew language [the language of the Old Testament] there are 2 words for one. The word 'yachid' refers to a singular one meaning only one. The other word for one in Hebrew is 'echad' wich means a compound or unified one. Examples in the scriptures include 'evening and morning becoming one ['echad] day, husband and wife becoming one ['echad] flesh and the Lord God is one ['echad] God.
Of course, the word Trinity is not present, but God being one [yachid] singular is also non-existant in the OT.
im a mormon now and have been one for the last 3 months.
at first i really liked it but now i am starting to have 2nd thoughts, i grew up as a jehovahs witness and was disfellowshiped at 19 i really started to look for a new church in july of this year.
i started out in a christian church which i really liked but i didnt understand the jesus as god thing/trinity.
It does seem as though you DID go from one cult right to another. I have a book of Mormon and have read some of it and it just didn't seem to jive. There were many inconsistencies in my opinion and it just didn't follow through or make a lot of sense. It seemed as though I was reading parts of scriptures and unfinished parables.
Facinating though how Joseph Smith stated that because he fasted so often he was often weak and apparently that is why he felt ill working on his father's farm and then while heading back home from the fields, he stumbled and had the vision of the angel Moroni who gave him the sacred golden plates that only he and six[? I think] witnesses attest to seeing as Satan wanted to destroy them [the golden, scripture plates I mean].
Like the Koran, the book of Mormon does state that every word from the Holy Scripures [old and new testament] are true and contain no falsehoods, but then both books state that Christ Jesus was not God [or Emanuel, which means God among us], but Jesus was more of a sign from God. Just a god, but not the God.
What ever your beliefs are is your business of course, but since you're posting and asking, the old [IS 9;6] and new [John 1;1] testaments clearly state that Jesus is God......Sorry...why did I have to add that?!?
Anywho-good luck [or God bless],
you gotta get outta another mess,
meant sincerely, not in jest,
The Truth Will Set You Free,
otherwise known as,
when the bible mentions satan do you believe it's speaking of a paticular indivuial or is the term satan used for multiple people?
to be more specific, do believe the satan that tempted eve, told david to take a census, tested job, and tempted jesus are the same person or 4 different people?.
Phili Ponos, I think that you're in the minority because Christians are in the minority. People believe in Satan [as a being and as a spirit] because of the church and the holy bible. Maybe other people in this forum believe in Satan but are working through the why[?].
LS is right that there is no specific mentioning of Satan in pre-exile OT, but he's there still, isn't he. If not his direct hand, certainly his spirit. Cain and Able? Didn't Cain have an accusing spirit when he killed his brother?
When Jesus told Peter, 'get behind me Satan', was he addressing the fallen angel or an accusing spirit? Is it possible that there are two meanings for Satan? I think so as Lucifer BECAME Satan, not the other way around, right?
Other fallen angels are mentioned by name in the scriptures. In catholic bibles the book of Tobit is an accepted OT book. The angel Raphael announces that HE is one of the seven who stands before the Lord after he chases down and bounds the demon Asmodeus. Short and interesting story if you've never read it.That story touches on LS's points about Lililth in so much that the demon lusts after the girl and kills seven of her suiters before the hero [Tobit, the younger] shows up. The problem with Lililth and the scriptures is that, well, she's just not there. Never mentioned, and the fact that some sects of Judiasm practice paganism proves nothing. Plenty of Christian sects twist and distort many truths and still call themselves Christians. They're not, so it means nothing.
As a Christian, I do not look to Madonna for instruction in Kabbalah to help with my Christianity. I look to people who know the truth and share it. Proof that is confirmed in the scriptures, as opposed to contridiction.
anyone been watching that or the walking dead?
both shows, in my opinion, are outstanding.. thoughts, likes, dislikes?.
Haven't checked out AHS, but this year we started watching the Walking dead. It's amazing that a zombie thing could go on for seasons. Looking forward to tonites new one [last week's episode will run first for those who want to be updated]