A number of years ago [like 20 or so] my brother and his wife were baptized into the WTS. I attended to support my bro with a camera and a big smile. I was surrounded by members who were trying to convert me or atleast encourage me to 'give it a try'. I was hounded so badly that I missed the ceremony and only got to take pics of my brother and sister in law exiting the dunking pool.
I was dissapointed but my brother seemed fine with it.
I now know why I was distracted by other members, for if I heard the baptism vows [in the name of the father, son and God's organization] I certainly would have protested to my family members. I didn;t realize until years after reading others speak of the JW baptism.
What a huge crock of shit the JW baptism is. No scriptural validity at all. Fuc--ng disgrace!