God bless you and your family Truman. I am so sorry to read how your son was taken from you so soon.
Posts by TTWSYF
My son was murdered today
by truman ini have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
"...baptizing them in the name of the Father and of Watchtower Society and of the holy spirit "
by irondork inif baptism is really a symbol of one's dedication to god, as the wts agrees it is, then why would someone who was baptized years earlier need to be re-baptized after studying with jehovah's witnesses?
in discussing the two questions asked of baptismal candidates, the watchtower, april 1, 2006, page 22 par 4 says:.
therefore, those who qualify for baptism have usually studied the bible for months or even a year or two, so that their decision is neither hasty nor ill-informed.
A number of years ago [like 20 or so] my brother and his wife were baptized into the WTS. I attended to support my bro with a camera and a big smile. I was surrounded by members who were trying to convert me or atleast encourage me to 'give it a try'. I was hounded so badly that I missed the ceremony and only got to take pics of my brother and sister in law exiting the dunking pool.
I was dissapointed but my brother seemed fine with it.
I now know why I was distracted by other members, for if I heard the baptism vows [in the name of the father, son and God's organization] I certainly would have protested to my family members. I didn;t realize until years after reading others speak of the JW baptism.
What a huge crock of shit the JW baptism is. No scriptural validity at all. Fuc--ng disgrace!
Faith without works is dead?
by jemba inmy crazy brainwashed parents have devoted their lives to this cult, to the detriment of their children.
i recently told my mum that i needed to stop anything jw because of the anxiety and depression it has caused me for over 30 years.
she said 'oh well if thats what you have to do... but you know armaggedon is just around the corner and jehovah expects us to toe the line... faith without works is dead.'.
Faith without works is dead. Yes, that is what the bible says.
It does not say that you are saved by works, but the exact opposite.
To me that means that once you have faith and have been saved then you DO works because of your faith. In other words, you have the true faith and feel compelled to do works weather volunteering at a food pantry, donate to good causes [alms] or just praying for others or perhaps other works that are hidden from others, but not from God.
WTF Jesus doing last 98 years?
by Evolutionary inhey, i left when i was 19 about 21 years ago over evolution.
dad encouraged me to look up the references in _life: how did it get here?
by creation or evolution?_.
Here is my prediction-
Jesus will return 2033, sometime around passover. That would be 2000 years since his sacrifice.
So if I'm right, I'm a true prophet, if I'm wrong, I'm the Watchtower, cause, you gotta admit that it's a good guess [or rather, as good as any other's]
signed, ttwsyf
Do demons really exist?
by Inisc ini mean, is there really any scientific evidence to support their existence?.
is it used as a scare tactic of thewts?.
and i suppose if one doesn't believe in god, a belief in satan and demons and angels for that matter would be contradictory... im not sure what i believe now but would love to hear everyone's thoughts..
I'm not afraid to be ridiculed for admitting that I believe in demons. I beleive the bible is the word of God, not because it makes any sense, no, of course not, but only because I have been given the gift of faith, though I did nothing to deserve such a gift. There are too many bible passages to mention, but here are 2. Not from my favorite version, the NWT. Respectfully, DC
MATHEW 9; 32 Now when they were leaving, look! people brought him a dumb man possessed of a demon; 33 and after the demon had been expelled the dumb man spoke. Well, the crowds felt amazement and said: “Never was anything like this seen in Israel.”
MARK 5;.” 8 For he had been telling it: “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit.” 9 But he began to ask him: “What is your name?” And he said to him: “My name is Legion, because there are many of us.” 10 And he entreated him many times not to send the spirits out of the country. 11 Now a great herd of swine was there at the mountain feeding. 12 So they entreated him, saying: “Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.” 13 And he permitted them. With that the unclean spirits came out and entered into the swine; and the herd rushed over the precipice into the sea, about two thousand of them, and they drowned one after another in the sea
If the "truth" were a super hero, who would they be?
by usualusername ini reckon it could be chameleon-man.. .
any ideas?.
How about Radioactiveman from the Simpsons. Sorry, no picture
Dead God
by edmond dantes inif god decided to kill himself how would we know ?.
has god terminated his existence already and we don't realise it ?.
horrible things have been happening to the human race and other creatures for so long how can we tell the difference whether god is alive or dead?.
Of course this will sound unsincere, but it is not meant so. How do you know God is dead [in your life] is easy.
The almighlty is excessively humble. He will come into our lives and bless us if we ask, he will leave us to the world if we ask. He will leave our countries, schools, neighborhood family households if we ask.
He will come back into our lives if only we ask. Pray that we ask.
School is for fools!
by BreathoftheIndianNose inso i'm looking to go to university, as is the norm.
what are the most important things to consider choosing a school and location to study?
and what would you say are the most important things to do in order to benefit from that education and succeed in that field?
What do you want to cook? Are you wanting to eventually open a diner, a seafood restraunt, Italian, Indian? I think you'd want to know where your food prep interest lies before choosing a culinary college.
I do like watching Kitchen nightmares with Gordon Ramsey. That guy is gold. He trainied in France, and that may be the most popular place, but you'd need to do your homework before you zero in on any particular school....imho of course.
And school is not for fools
JW World Record - Youngest Baptism
by soiledumpling inplease let me know the age of the youngest child getting baptised.. i knew of a girl of 11 years.. .
I am always amazed at the idea that because Jesus was in his 30s when he was baptised that Christians should wait also. It is unbiblical to wait imho.
Jesus was in his 30s because that's when John the baptist was baptising. He wasn't baptising when Jesus was 6 was he?
Also, Jesus did not need to be baptised, did he? It was another example of his humility and humanity in my opinion.
What do the scriptures say? In the book of acts there are several examples of whole families being baptised at once. Now a family could have teenagers, young children, infants, etc.
IE Acts 16;15 'She was baptized, with her household'
Acts 16;33 'He was baptized at once with all his family'
1Corinthians 1;16 'I did baptize also the household of Stephanas'
These examples are the examples of the early church establishing it's doctrine on the baptism of the Christians. No studying, No age restrictions and not baptized in the name of any church or organization.
St Paddy was pretty much a Dark Ages Rick Santorum.
by Low-Key Lysmith inwhile many of us yankees will be eating irish stew & corned beef & cabbage and getting pasted on green beer, irish whiskey, and/or guinness, take a moment to ponder what we're really celebrating.
st patricks day in the us has become more a secular holiday than a religious one, mainly an excuse to overindulge in booze and embrace irish heritage (whether you have any or not), and basically get your party on and wear silly green costumes, which is all fine & dandy.. let's take a brief look at what's really being celebrated, however.. st patrick wasn't even irish.
he was a briton slave kidnapped and taken to rome where he was raised and schooled in catholicism, eventually becoming a bishop.
Seems like this post has some 'posting issues' or my server isn't showing the replys.