Who was that dude? ,.... The father of lies?...
Oh, right, Satan
because of growing up in the jw religion we heared and read many experiences and encouragement for lying when nesscesary / needed for the theocratic warfare.
personaly i think this is totaly wrong and has had some effects on me: i feel that i can lie easily at work and sometimes in our family affairs.. a kind of creatively using truth and untruth.. i don't do it often but i recognize this fact.. so, this jw religion standards are measurability wrong.. gorby.
Who was that dude? ,.... The father of lies?...
Oh, right, Satan
do you hold god accountable for the corruption of the borg?
i've noticed there seems to be a bitterness, by some, that includes "god" in the equation, when discussing the borg and their policies, the governing body, elders actions, etc.
do the borg's transgressions originate with god, or does he feel the same disgust as we do?
Freedom!!! We all have freedom. The freedom to believe what ever we want to believe. That's why some believe in God and others don;t. but , of course, our freedom doesn;t end there, does it?
Hitler had freedom and people were free to follow him too.
Freedom to love or hate people, things, ideas or whatever.
I blame freedom, but what else could you do, remove freedom?
because of growing up in the jw religion we heared and read many experiences and encouragement for lying when nesscesary / needed for the theocratic warfare.
personaly i think this is totaly wrong and has had some effects on me: i feel that i can lie easily at work and sometimes in our family affairs.. a kind of creatively using truth and untruth.. i don't do it often but i recognize this fact.. so, this jw religion standards are measurability wrong.. gorby.
My koolaid drinking bro used to say " Lying for the Truth".
What garbage that teaching is
i dunnu, that jesus was/is worshipped perhaps.
john 5;23 that all may honor the son just as they honor the father.
whoever does not honor the son does not honor the father, who sent him..
that you would not be a good JW
i dunnu, that jesus was/is worshipped perhaps.
john 5;23 that all may honor the son just as they honor the father.
whoever does not honor the son does not honor the father, who sent him..
Tater T= there are literally thousands of ancient copies of manuscripts OT copies, but you are correct that there are no originals.
The reason could be that most traditions and stories ALL started orally before they could be written.
i dunnu, that jesus was/is worshipped perhaps.
john 5;23 that all may honor the son just as they honor the father.
whoever does not honor the son does not honor the father, who sent him..
I dunnu, that Jesus was/is worshipped perhaps
John 5;23 that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.
so my husband (who was never a jw) saw a christian bumper sticker today and asked me if the witnesses have any.
i said no (not that i know of anyway) so here are a few he came up with.. 'honk if you're a zombie'.
'my other car is noah's ark'.
i was contemplating this verse this morning... what did james mean by "works"?
and it hit me like a bolt of lightning.. now, wts would have us believe these "works" are preaching and meetings.
however, could that be what james was referring to?
Farkel, you are right on the money!
Works are clearly defined in the scriptures as to giving alms to the poor, the destitude, widows, orphans, elderly, etc. You know, love your neighbor the same as you'd love yourself.
This notion of going to prisons to increase memebership is in no way 'works'. And that really sucks because many witnesses believe they are doing the Lord's work by handing out Watchtowers and Awakes and NOT helping the poorest of souls with the material needs that WE all need.
The sermon on the mount proves [to me anyway] that people may have believed that THEY were living in the end times [remember that this generation shall not pass....], yet these people gave alms to the poor.
in a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
ha ha...I did it again.....sorry
in a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
My quoting of Thessalonians confirms the catholic church's teachings that go back some 2000 years and changes very little.
The WTS goes back less than 150 years and is always changing.