big congrats! Part of the american dream!
The bad news is that you'll never pay it off.......your government will always want you to pay taxes on Thier property forever
just saying
big congrats! Part of the american dream!
The bad news is that you'll never pay it off.......your government will always want you to pay taxes on Thier property forever
just saying pins, on the kh's, etc, how soon before they are making altar pieces, necklaces, etc to hold and pray with?
just like the catholics.....
so is it a must and an absolute requirement to be a ministerial servant in the org?.
i was told that if i refuse an appointment as an ms then it means i'm opposing "jehovah's call to service".
Splash said "Look them in the eye and say 'STOP TWISTING SCRIPTURE!' "
Well said Splash, that works on 90% of any scriptural evidence that is used as WTS 'proof texts' to boot.
just saying
what better place, what better world can be offered, is the question tossed at those who have left.. what if it is just the same place, without taking everything we hear at the kingdom hall as gospel?.
can we just take with a grain of salt the things we know deep down are without basis?.
it is the same place, with the same friends, but without the drama of feeling that you can never do enough, that you were born sinful.. a faith that does not ask you to treat your family as disposable; a place that does not kick people to the curb when they need their family the most; a faith that lets you trust your heart, not ignore it.. can we just stay in the same place, and realize that we do not have to sacrifice our childrens lives by denying them blood if desperately needed?
I suggested reading the gospels in the bible because although JWs will come to the door saying they have the word, they do not read in a manner that lets them see the truth. You {or anyone} can read and make upyour own mind in relation to what you were taught. Jws really aren't taught the bible, they're taught the watchtower and awake with bible verses thrown in, more often than not, out of context.
I feel very discouraged that so many ex JWs become athiest, especially when the real truth is right there for you to see and read about without corruption [provided that they get rid of the NWT].
Just my opinion and I'm just saying it,
The Truth Will Set You Free
what better place, what better world can be offered, is the question tossed at those who have left.. what if it is just the same place, without taking everything we hear at the kingdom hall as gospel?.
can we just take with a grain of salt the things we know deep down are without basis?.
it is the same place, with the same friends, but without the drama of feeling that you can never do enough, that you were born sinful.. a faith that does not ask you to treat your family as disposable; a place that does not kick people to the curb when they need their family the most; a faith that lets you trust your heart, not ignore it.. can we just stay in the same place, and realize that we do not have to sacrifice our childrens lives by denying them blood if desperately needed?
You could go to the gospels in the bible, but this time, read it by yourself so that you could read the real truth.
Stupid cult ruins real faith from those who escape..
"the transition zone can hold a lot of water, and could potentially have the same amount of h2o [water] as all the world's ocean.".
i figured when people read this that there will be those claiming proof of the flood story.
I have seen photos of the shell of a large wooden ark on Mt Ararat from miles up over the course of years. Some years the glacier covers what could possible be an ark and some years the glacier is melted away a bit and an ark is clearly visible.
Sorry, I don't have a link, but if you google Noah's ark photos, you would be surprised [or at least I was]
i am a member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, and i have written a heavily-documented response to the official magazine of the jehovah's witnesses, awake!, that claims to teach what we believe.
i saw an article from last year's watchtower about a guy who had barely been mormon for very long, and obviously did not know what we believe, who was given this magazine by jw's to show him "the truth.
" he claims to have proven to himself that it was true from information on the lds church's website.
Line from my JW elder brother, and I quote..
"we eat Mormons for breakfast"
What a moron....
i'm not a jw nor is my entire family save for my brother, his wife and kids.
we are celebrating our grandparents 50th anniversary.. one of my brother's kids is living with his girlfriend and as a result, the rest of his immediate {jw} family is shunning him.. what, if anything do you think that i could do or say to get his (jw) family to see how awful their behavior is?.
i am asking for suggestions to get these people to think.. .
Thanks Ignoranceisbliss, asking about suicides is a good start I think.
Finkelstein, good point. The couple is engaged and I don't really support their living together yet, but I'm glad they have plans and certainly I understand.
Ruderedhead-yes! Just another reason not to follow THE TRUTHtm
Satanus-good point, what's that called {common law spouse?} I think there must be several years of cohab before that kicks in though.
Sarasmile- I've been doing that for years with no results. Nothing seems to dislodge them from the WTS. Not false prophesies, false beliefs, doctrinal flip flops, etc, etc
Howthebiblewascreated- Just 30 more years to go :)
Thanks all!
i'm not a jw nor is my entire family save for my brother, his wife and kids.
we are celebrating our grandparents 50th anniversary.. one of my brother's kids is living with his girlfriend and as a result, the rest of his immediate {jw} family is shunning him.. what, if anything do you think that i could do or say to get his (jw) family to see how awful their behavior is?.
i am asking for suggestions to get these people to think.. .
I'm not a JW nor is my entire family save for my brother, his wife and kids.
We are celebrating our grandparents 50th anniversary.
One of my brother's kids is living with his girlfriend and as a result, the rest of his immediate {JW} family is shunning him.
What, if anything do you think that I could do or say to get his (JW) family to see how awful their behavior is?
I am asking for suggestions to get these people to think.
The Truth Will Set You Free
ok, so didnt jesus supposedly say "the end will come when you least expect it"?
(or words to that effect...).
so, with so many witnesses running around in an excited way talking about "100 years since the kingdom...etc" and "it may be our last chance to pioneer etc"..."may be the last international conventions".....doesnt this mean then that the end can not come now??!!.
Judgement day is the day I die.
That is when the theif is coming.
Possible, but highly unlikely scenarios include some cosmic collision, earthquake or volcano eruption that destroys all life on earth.
Because those are highly unlikely scenarios, how could you ever possibly expect (or worse) teach your children that is what we should expect?
If you knew before hand the crap that they believe, you would run them off of your property with a shotgun
....just saying...